Friday, December 14, 2007

Duff sisters walk out on their tab

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Hilary Duff and her equally annoying sister, Haylie skipped out on a bill totaling more than 400 bucks at Glowbal Grill & Satay Bar. The manager picked up the bill saying he was sure they just forgot to pay and they were delightful.

Yeah, right. Hey, Duff's you two fugs are not the least bit "delightful" your bill, you freeloading slugs.


Anonymous said...

Why is it...the risher they are the more they expect & get for free? When they can afford it the most, they expect to pay for themselves the least. They should have followed them out & gotten their license # & called the cops. Thats would happen to you or me if we did that! We'd get arrested. But the owner did talk & make the incident public, so maybe they will be embarrassed by this a little bit, doubtful. Expect a denial or an apology (misunderstanding blah-blah) any second.

Anonymous said...

Haylie is quite the horseface.

Anonymous said...

Haylie's a graduate of the Rumer Willis School of "Fame is a 24 hour a day Job.."

As IF.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if their server felt they were so "delightful" when he realized he'd been stiffed?

Anonymous said...

I get so fucking angry every time I hear of a super rich nobody who steals something or walks out like that and NOTHING happens, while if a homeless person or somebody extremely poor were to do the same shit there would be hell to pay...

Major Majormajor said...

Totally off topic (sorry, I'm still playing ketchup) ... how in the hell did I miss your comment about used condoms and microwave ovens? That was classic...

Anonymous said...

The rich and famous always think they deserve freebies for some reason - anything from their dinners to clothes to cellphones, etc ... its sickening. Only thing that these girls should be getting free is some complimentary plastic surgery on thier ugly fucking horse faces and chicklet teeth.

Anonymous said...

who the hell "forgets" to pay their bill for a meal?

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:44 - people who actually believe that the sheer fabulosity of their presence in a venue is adequate payment for whatever they have stolen. Their logic seems to be, "think of the buzz this place will have and the business it will receive, just 'cause we were here!"

It never occurs to them that "buzz" doesn't pay the server's heating bill.

The previous comments have got it right - it is freeloading, plain and simple, which demonstrates no character and no class.
