The man who was injured in the Gary Collins car crash has passed away. Warren Gates was 89 and never left the hospital after the accident. Gary Collins got 96 hours in jail. I don't mean to be a harpie, but, now he has to live with the fact that not only is he a fucked up has been, but, that he killed someone innocent. If that doesn't tell you to hire a driver, I don't know what will.
but shouldn't he be charged with involentary manslaughter...or whatever the kid from prison break was charged with?
he can't be charged with involantary manslaughter because the older man caused the accident by improperly turning in front of gary collins....the accident wasn't gary's fault....
gary's only fault was driving drunk...and wearing those shoes with no socks with shorts...
oh...i didn't know that...didn't pay any attention actually....gary collins?!?!?!? what was he "famous" for again?
48 days for Keifer, 96 hrs for Gary - I served 30 days from an accident with injuries (my own)...Guidelines change with who your lawyer is, I suppose
SJP's hubby Matthew Broderick killed a mother & her daughter in Ireland or England years ago in a car crash & I think he was drunk! It has never caused a serious bump in his career. Gary Collins does just mostly voice-over stuff these days. Or infomercials. He's kinda over anyways but still rich probably. Sad ending but if Gary wasn't actually at fault for the accident he can't blame himself really. I doubt he drives drunk again in any case, hopefully. A lesson for us all.
Isn't he or wasn't he married to Mary Ann Mobley? A former Miss America? She kinda looks like Janice Dick-in-some.
whilst your mentioning matthew broderick, don't forget rebecca gayheart killed a little boy....ran him over with her SUV, i think he was 8 or 9...
Miss Tia...I don't know who RGH is! I will Google her. I've heard of her. I wasn't aware of that accident tho. Speaking of that tho, Brandy's accident that resulted in a young womans death did pretty much kill her career, such as it was anyway. Wasn't the woman from Iran or some place like that? Middle eastern? Kinda scary. You know John Gotti's little 10 year old son was ran over & killed by a neighbor & surprisingly, the neighbor disappeared & was never heard from again! Hmmmm....
The accident wasn't his fault. If the old man hadn'tve run the red light, no one would have probably known he was drunk. So I guess one ray of light came out of this whole mess in that he was caught driving drunk and hopefully will never do it again. On another note, what the hell is an 89 year old doing driving? States really need to test people over 65 annually and people under 65 every few years as well. Here in AZ once you get your driver's licence, you don't have to renew it until you are 65 and then after that not until...shit...until you're dead I think. It's very, very stupid.
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