I've never seen anything this bad, it's hanging on and getting worse too. There will be no leaving the house today for anyone. I keep hearing these huge sounds..KRAAAAAAAACK..and another tree goes down with the weight of the ice. 9 KRACKS so far and many smaller ones. It sounds like bombs, but, none of them have hit the house..yet. So I'll try and blog as long as I can today, but, the power keeps going off and on. I have electric heat, this should be fun. Don't worry, I put on two pairs of socks and ate a hot pizza for breakfast. I got out to take some pics, but, I didn't get farther than the stoop..it was like glass. I saw two bewildered dogs slide a block without using their legs. I didn't take that top pic, the news did, but, I took the other two. I couldn't get that close. It's beautiful though. But, really weird. Just so ya know.
OMG! Sorry about all that DD! We had a terrible ice storm here in 1992 & it was like WW3 everywhere. We had no power for 11 days & ended up cooking on a camp stove. No water & I had 2 little kids at the time & was on my period! Not fun! The huge power towers here even feel down, like dominos. In fact when it started we were watching RHPS on TV! LOL! It was terrible,we even had lightning & thunder with our ice storms. We read alot by lantern light. We survived but never forgot & people still talk about it. We didn't even know how bad it was because we had no TV to see the news! Nothing. Anyway, I know how you feel & will be thinking about you. Stay warm & make a pot of soup!
Thanks..I have battery lanterns and a themos of hot soup, just in case.
we have occasional ice storms here and whereas it is very dangerous it IS beautiful in a 'nature' kind of way....branches encased in ice look like glass and it is very pretty....
we are having serious RAIN here today (should be fun walking the beast in that)....but it's better than sleet...which it might turn to later....
make sure you stock up on water too! a few gallons of water are never bad to have on hand....
The poor trees are scarred & mishapen forever & make you remember what happened, long after it has gone. Forever! Trees can't grow their nice tops back. It's never the same for them.
Oh Poor Dishy!!! When I wrote you hoping you weren't up to the neck in snow I didn't mean anything worse to happen sheesh!!!! if I wanted ice I think I know where to go.....
My husband told me about an ice storm here in Western Washington a few years back, I don't know if it's the same anon 7:35 is talking about but they were without power for about ten days and it did seem like WW3 for what I hear....snap crackle pop everywhere and we live in the woods so I can only imagine.....
I guess 'tis the season for pretty much everyone to deal with nature at it's worst, poor folks over here are still cleaning up the mess after last week's flood and windstorm....
DD- I live in Chicago, I am feeling the pain as well. This sucks.
Blame Canada!!!
JK, we have nice sunny weather up here. Sorry, but I know the pain all too well!
Oh DD, I really hope it stops soon...I live just off the island of Montreal and we had what is now known as the "great Ice Storm of 1998" It lasted days and days, it was just so crazy and awful but l, but yes it had a kind of beauty about it, just surreal. We held out as long as we could in our home but were forced to leave by the city officials...what a feeling having to leave your home but I knew we had to go. I now have a pretty powerful wood-stove in my basement...never again will I ever depend on just electricity, not after that. In case anyone is interested, I found this on-line
I'm thinking of you and hope your power holds up and that it ends soon...
Having lived in So Cali all my life and contended with earthquakes, riots, blistering heatwaves, Santa Ana winds, wildfires/evacuations, mudslides, Paris, Lindsay & Britney-- I thought I'd seen the worst Mother Nature could serve up.
But the shocking details and sobering images of the ice storms that are hammering the Midwest this week are something else again. And when I heard this morning that Iowa is being particularly hard-hit... my first thoughts were of our "Dish"-- out there in the midst of it.
We're keeping a positive thought for you, hon... hoping it will blow over soon. Be safe!
man DD hate to say it - but awesome pictures lol. They make it look so friggin cold and I know it is. Glad you are prepared but you usually are, but I know you don't like to be cooped inside unless you want to be lol.
This is how badly I need a life, DD...when I heard about the ice storms this morning, the first thing I thought about was you.
I hope you keep your power!!!
Be safe!
Here in kansas we are feeling it too. We were lucy and got are power back after 12 hours. It was getting cold. Tree's are down everywhere.
It appears that DD's power has been out for a while guys. Hope all is well with her & family. This weather sucks so hard. & yes, at 1st you think it's beautiful, then you start to hate it & wish it would die, because it's ruining your life!!!! When you live out in the country & therefore have no lights or water pump means - no water = no toilets, no baths no cleaning up after anybody, that is the worst & it ain't "beautiful" at all!
I live in Florida. It's ten degrees warmer than usual this time of year and has been in the 80's every day. The ac is always on. I have been complaining bitterly about the continual heat and lack of anything resembling winter weather - maybe I'll just shut my fat mouth.
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