Oh, wowzah! Will she have girl or a boy? Or one of each or two of a kind? Does she have the names picked out? Will Hermes make her maternity clothes? Will they be born in Africa? Do they look like James Haven? Will Brad get stretch marks? I'm so excited I just pooed myself. Cough.
dang, how can you post about that when it says Nicole's baby crisis on the corner lol.
Glad you posted that - although I am about as excited as you about the news lol - but do you know anything about Nicole's baby - is she ok?
I think the crisis was that ParAss Hilton wanted to be it's godmom. Heh.
OMG! I didn't even see the AJ thing. I saw the MK & Heath line! Thats what will sell that mag. Nobody cares about AJ & her 77th child anymore, no matter how many times she has it.
the big questions are, will she call it a blob? will she say she has less feeling for it than the others?? how she'll have to "balance" the biological with adopted children out??
i bet if she has a girl again she'll name it after her mom....
does Brad hope for a girl because they don't have one? oh yeah, Shilohblob...Zahara? I understand, with so many they are bound to forget a few...
OMG!!!! Montel Williams has been cancelled!!!! See for yourself!!!
I hear she is already pimping the blob or blobs out for cash!
It's for charity NOT Publicity LMFAO! That's what I read on Just Jared LOL!
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