It's a boring day..let's talk about Jane, who was generally voted worst dressed at the SAG's. They said she'd been attacked by marbles, which I thought was silly, since those are obviously grapes. She looked kind of like my moms old Mod Avacado refrigerator, which had fond memories for me. Stuff 'em all, Jane, your hair is gorg.
Casey J! It's Lainey!
I don't like that dress either. She is very flat & not thin, so it shows all the wrong parts off. The grape necklace or w.e it is, is awful & that color is just gross. but I agree with you her hair looks amazing & she's cute & funny.
I kind of like teh dress - DEFINITELY not the worst that night...
who is she??
she sort of looks like a chick from the 80's...can't recall her name....audrey something...i think...
If that's the worst of the night then they did pretty good. If those marbles got knocked off the dress would be quite pretty. Nice cut and color.
DD, we both seem to be from the same era of avocodo green and harvest gold kitchen appliances..as well as macrame owls..LOL..so do you remember Jane when she started out on the soap Another World? Im 99% sure she was on there
She's on "30 Rock" & cute as he**. Her hair looks like Morgan Fairchilds & thats not a bad thing. I almost said Morgan Freeman! LOL. I am in love with that man, but her hair does NOT look like his! He's the best. She's cute. & Older than you'd think.
I loved her on Alley McBeal and Casey J still has a cat we named after that Elaine character.
I like the dress even if the color is a little on the drab side, but that necklace DOES look like macrame with beads LOL.
I loved her on Ally McBeal!
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