I know crazy..I tell you I do. I've lived a long time and had some pretty strange encounters. I won't tell you all of them, this post will be long enough as it is. But, I will tell you I had a friend who was so strung out crazy she thought she was Satan and I used to get collect calls from Satan. I personally put her in 6 different mental facilities and she talked nice and was released the next day every time. She has since recovered. I also have a brother who once bought 27 extension cords so he could saw down the neighbors door with an electric saw (and he did). He was going for the guys head. The neighbor was just as crazy and ended up on the roof screaming that you can't kill Santa Claus and that he had a bomb. They were both taken to the nut hut for eval and released the next day. The neighbor has since died of old age and goofy-ness (though that's a personal diagnosis) and my brother is on meds now and OCD, but, mellow.
So, see? I know crazy. There's different kinds of crazy. Most of my encounters with true crazy are the decent kind. The irritating, amusing, "you aint really gonna do shit" kind. The kind that annoy you, but, make good humorous stories later. Now we get to what happened Friday morning.
Sigh. Six weeks ago a bunch moved into the empty apartment downstairs from me and I dubbed them "The Grease Brothers." I call them that because they are greasy and all they do is cook meat. They cook meat constantly..they cook game meat, store bought meat and any kind of meat they can find or shoot. The problem is the way they cook it. Filthy people cook in filthy ways. My apartment fills up with grease smells and they nearly asphyxiate the whole building. I've lived with my windows open even through the ice storm. They actually make MY smoke alarms bleet. Once they tried lighting a charcoal grill in the hallway and nearly killed us all before they drug it, flaming, out into the snow. I don't even know how many of them there are..a lot. At least six. They dress like they're always going hunting and look like they've been wearing the same clothes for years. AND, they look scary..it's like living above Ed Gein. I picture the place decorated in human skin lampshades.
They are usually quiet. Too quiet. They do not own a TV, radio, stereo and I'm sure they don't read. They do not talk to each other or anyone else. They cook meat. That's what they do. I can live with that even though it's gross and the management has promised me they will check our vent system as soon as the weather clears. Okay. But, Friday morning I found out they are not mutes.
I was blogging away when all Hell erupted down there directly below me. One of the Grease Bros was screaming in a deep scary voice "WHAT DID YOU DOOOOOOO!" "YOU FUCKING SLOOOOB!" over and over. No biggie, right? Personally I find a good morning cuss a great way to relieve stress and start the day. But then this female voice starts crying and I can't hear what she says but she sounds like she's begging not to die. This goes on for 10 minutes. I ignore them. Then the beating starts..I don't know if he was throwing her or furniture, but, the walls started shaking, my picture frames fell over and my cable connection blinked out. I could still hear her begging and crying so I knew she was alive..then it started again...worse. The lamp fell over on my desk. I hear another huge crash and he says he's going to burn the building down. I phoned the police which around here is known as..callin' the law, and it has to be real bad before you "call the law."
So the cops show up 10 minutes later and it's still going on, by now it's spilled out into the hallway and I hear the door being smashed to bits. I'm shaking and scared shitless..I don't even mind telling you that. I was flat out scared. This is not good crazy..this is BAD crazy. I'd told the cops on the phone how scared I am and please don't let them know who called. So what do they do? They ignore the fight and hightail their ass's right up here in front of The Grease's. Goddamn I was pissed. They finally take Crazy Grease and the old man Grease outside and talk to them. Seems they all know each other.
So Crazy Grease gets hauled off..but, guess what? A half hour later, he's back. I was talking to crabbie and I said, how the fuck does someone who shoots rodents in the yard for food make bail in 30 minutes??? There was no bail..he was not arrested, just talked to as they drove him around like it was a cruise down the main drag.
The Old Man Grease threatened to move out and they fought in the hall about who got custody of the empty beer and soda cans. Crazy Grease spent the rest of the morning crying "WHY MEEEEEEE?" while he banged his fist or maybe his head against the wall, but, no one died. This time. Oh, I forgot, during the ordeal Crazy Grease threw their filthy sofa out in the snow. That's not the real pic, but, it's close. I was afraid to go out and get a pic. His was a hide a bed, an old one, and if you've ever had one you know it takes several guys to move them, they're so heavy. Crazy Grease did it by himself and carried it like a sack of beans. I wish they had a sack of beans, maybe they'd lay off the meat for a day.
My whole point here, besides recording this for future FBI evidence after the future murder, is..I know crazy. This is BAD crazy, someone's going to be hurt or killed and it's not going to be me or mine. I've seen it before. The title of this post says it all.
"nut hut" i like that...i'm going to use that! I've got a neighbor who needs to be nut hutted!!!
is the meat eating chick still there?? wtf??
from their description i can envision a bunch of camo'd people from head to toe who just sit around and grunt at each other....do they have a gun rack on their vehicle?? can picture that too....
i am sure you have done a spell of protection for your apartment....i hope they move!!! too bad you only have the keystone cops to call...
We have a huge Vitorian mental institute in this little town. Huge..and mostly empty now, it was built when some moron thought this would be a real town someday..anyhow, everyone around here calls it The Nut Hut. I'll get some photos of it. It's cool and spooky.
And Hell yes, I've done protection spells..you KNOW it. Now it's time to get them to leave. Hmm, where'd I store my big cauldren?
nut hut sounds AWESOME---to look at... :)
i think there's an expulsion spell you can do for them....
So what happened to the chick that was hammering nails into the walls with her forhead?
I can't believe they couldn't arrest the asshole for busting the place all to hell?
DD, that is scary and I don't know how you can stand living in the same building as this crazy gang of lunatics. You are right to be worried, they sound insane It's a wonder they didn't burn the building down or kill you all with carbon monoxide from the stupid BBQ. I really hope for your sake that they move out soon, like yesterday. Is the girl living there as well?
I hope your spells work. I don't know any but I'll try to send some good vibes your way.
Wow, DD, that is horrifying. In addition to a protection spell, have you considered a protection deadbolt, protection pepper spray, or a protection taser? :) Good luck with the crazies.
I had my door reinforced and deadbolted when I moved here.
I live in the 'hood and have had similar shit go on. I haven't called the police (and I wouldn't, too much gang activity here)but I know how it is, you're the party trying to make sure someone isn't killed or the building burnt down and now you're the one who has to be scared. I CANNOT believe the police gave you away like that. That is a new level of irresponsible. And I will tell you why he got out of custody so quickly, if he did not have $ to bail himself out he's a fishing buddy or cousin of someone or both (remember that cop they're investigating for killing his wives?) Thank you for being brave and posting this DD, somehow it makes me feel better knowing I'm not the only one having to go way out of my way just to sleep or breathe in my apartment I pay rent for. I hope your neighbors move ON and please stay safe.
Thanks cupcake. I feel for you too. These people are not amusing and I've seen some bad stuff in my day, but, this..oh man. I know it's not over.
hey DD, do you have a digital camera with video? or a cell phone with video?? next time a fight breaks out VIDEO....then youtube it!
i've done that with my neighbors....not only is it 'fun', it's evidence!
hmm, I think I'm related to this guy, got a pic? hehe.....pepper spray aint gonna cut it...get a good chainsaw
What do they do with all the meat they cook? I mean, it sounds like they are cooking 24/7. So, it couldn't all be meals. Sure it isn't people?
Sounds dreadful!
No, I'm not sure..that's why they're scary.
Typical abuser - he tears the place apart, attacks people, gets arrested for it and then spends the rest of the day crying, "Why me?", like he's the victim.
I really want you to get out of there. You've got a little one to protect. Stay on the landlord's back. Make sure he understands that a police report has been filed and is on record; if he continues to let those maniacs live there and anything happens, there are grounds for a lawsuit.
he he DD, i can see where you might be in a position to exploit PETA ;o they might like to know about these meat eaters. maybe they are killing and eating protected species or something?
I totally agree with MM. If you were to tell one of your local media outlets what you told us (with the proviso that they protect your anonymity), I'm sure they'd be all over that story like white on rice.
It boggles my mind to think that crazy-ass characters like that even cleared a landlord's basic check prior to move-in. I'd give the guy hell for renting to these idiots, but more importantly-- why would he let them stay when they've *obviously* torn the place up?
I'm not sure how many other tenants are in your building, but this must be a problem for everyone else too. Perhaps you can enlist them in signing a letter to the landlord stating that the problems the "greased pigs" have created are serious enough that they've impacted the entire building's right to a peaceful existence. God knows he's got plenty of cause to initiate the eviction process.
In the meantime, we're all sending positive vibes your way and thinking only positive thoughts. Please be careful, and remember; you've got zillions of people here who care very much about you (and yours) so please keep us posted.
Take care.
That's not cool. The entire building community should unite and say something. Pigs need to get out.
Just be safe and keep that door locked. You can add a metal door outside the entrance door.
Stupid cops looks like they are sold to the highest bidders over there.
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