Amy Winehouse briefly left rehab to her a visa so she can come to the US and attend the Grammys..with a minder and then straight back to rehab, they promise. She doesn't look as awful as usual..the beloved beehive is back, bigger than ever, she's thin, but, not stick thin and she's wearing real shoes these days. Cool beans.
Oh, and her fingernails are clean and polished and no burns on her fingers.
Please tell me something...do they use Drano to make crack? I am very ignorant about the drug community & what goes on. If they do use that, then it's no wonder the users have facial scars & no teeth!!
they can use drano to make meth....i know this cuz i live in the ghetto...
Wow! That stuff is deadly to skin. I hate that stuff. The fumes are toxic! I use the gel kind or liquid for clogs. But all they used to have was the crystal kind. They should stop making it. Thx Tia!
how much drano? and what else...hehe
Drain cleaner, paint thinner, toluene, denatured alcohol, ammonia, acid, starter fluid, antifreeze, hydrogen peroxide, rock salt/iodine, lantern or camp stove fuel, anhydrox amonia (liquid farm fertilizer, Ephedrine or pseudoephedrine (cold pills.) These are a few of the things that can be used to make meth. Yummy, huu?
And don't forget the most fun part..the idiots who make it are not chemists, they are just high fucktards. If you live next door to them, you may be blown to smithereens because the cooker is too high or stupid to know when to stop the cooking process or move other flamables away from his "lab".
At the very least, the fumes can cause headache, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue or lethargy, skin irritation and sore, respitory problems and a score of other bad stuff..and that's just to the neighbors of cookers. Only luck can help their innocent children. Nice, huu?
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