Several people on here had questions about meth (crank). Personally, I used to think the war on drugs was stupid..let people do whatever they want as long as they don't fark with me, was my motto. That was before I realized meth heads put everyone around them in danger. Gone are the days when a fairly clean drug resembling cocaine was manufactured in remote areas by real chemists. Now every fucktard junkie can cook it right next door to you and your family. So many innocent children have died or been maimed for life in meth fires.
If you want some easy to read facts about meth...click HERE. They aren't some unknown person in some ghetto far away..they are now your neighbors, no matter where you live. Finding out how to spot them is protecting your family.
this link will tell you if your home was a meth lab or if any around you were once meth labs...
a lot of people move into homes that were once meth labs and not properly cleaned and then have serious health problems...
Good point. You do not want to live in a house that's been a meth lab.
Oh, and some things the website I posted don't mention include big MEAN dogs and a lot of stuff. Not all of them..some cookers still have their shit together and their places look perfectly normal. In those cases you have to use your gut feeling and sense of smell. But, most of them are addicts and they can't keep it together. They take trade for unpaid bills from customers and that includes vehicles (usually shitty ones) that sit around, tons of antiques (stolen or scavanged)and electronics, and they DO favor big MEAN dogs. Sometimes the stuff they own spills out onto the porch or yard. They also move a lot.
we've had meth houses in my hood---i live in the ghetto...used to be on the fringes of the ghetto but now it's the ghetto...
people coming/going all hours---usually late....shady looking people bringing weird objects to the house---like a weed wacker in december....big clues...
do NOT be afraid to call the police....if you are scared to call them from your home, go visit your police station and ask to speak with a supervisor in your area (we have ward captains here) and/or see if you have a police drug unit.....if people do nothing, more and more drug dealers/crime will come to your neighborhood and everytime you leave your home you'll have to wonder if they're going to go 'shopping' in your house....
we mostly have crack dealers now....they are no better....
Yep, you live it, just like I do. It's the shits, isn't it?
yes it is....but i ain't no shrinking violet and i always report suspicious activity....a couple years ago i followed a couple robbers who were on foot in my car until the police nabbed them---they had broke into a neighbor's shed in broad daylight to steal items to take down to the local drug house...
I live in a small midwestern town in Indiana. I live out in the country-La-De-Da. Right? Wrong!! Then lo & behold we find out this huge dumpy house about 1/2 mile away had been a drug house of some kind & they had held some kids prisoner & tortured them and had put some kids balls in a vice or a wrench, attempted to kill him & they had the big ass mean dogs!!! I always thot the house would burn down but someone must have bought it, 'cuz it looks like a brand new home, inside & out! They have spent some serious cash fixing it up. It's great. Hope they got all the residue cleaned out, it was probably gutted. But once some kids that had been living there had a wreck in our yard & their car exploded & they had to come in my house & use the phone. They saved their CD system even tho the flames were sky hi! The road was melted, the police, sheriff came & the fire trucks & wrecker. Those 2 kids scared me, they wouldn't shut up & they ate all of our Hershey's mini's candy bars we had out for the Trick or Treaters. They were sooo loaded, it was obvious but the cops didn't even arrest them!!! I couldnt' believe it. My front yard is notorious, we've had a double fatality accident in our yard too. And a combine wreck in our yard that took out a transformer & pole! And more, too many to mention! Just a nice quiet,isolated country road. It's f'g dangerous & scary!! Sorry, most of this has not got much to do with Meth labs! I digress! Just venting!!! :(
No problem, I liked reading it. We had a meth lab bust next door here last week and a shoot out. I slept through it. I get so tired of these bastards.
im just glad i live in a hicky enough area where all we worry about is pot.. and the lack there of..lol
My neighborhood is far from being a ghetto, but there was a house at the end of the road close to the freeway onramp, that looked kinda creepy. Junk laying around all over the yard, and the house looked very abandoned. Then one day my husband and I drove by it as usual to get to the freeway and I noticed the yard was clean. Turned out to be a meth lab they busted that weekend.
Ya' think she gets many kisses???
don't people also have meth labs in the trunks of their cars?
@ kirsty, yeah they do.....and i once read a police report that someone had a meth lab in a gym duffle bag!! i just totally envision a labortory with beakers and bunson burners in a gym bag and it cracks me up!
Miss Tia: Now I'm thinking of wonderful "Beaker" from the Muppets! Remember him? He was so cute, he was the lab assitant. Not a Meth Lab, but now thats what I am thinking!!! Grrr! It will pass.
I live in a very quiet small country town and about a year and half ago there was a teenage boy with his pregnant teenage girlfriend renting the house next to mine cooking meth. I live on a corner lot with an intersection infront of my house..directly across the street from me is a family with 3 children, to the right of my house across the other street is a family with 2 children, to the back and across the alley lived a co-worker of mine who had a son 6 months older than my daughter. So not only did these ppl put their own unborn child in extreme danger they also 7 more innocent children in harms way. These ppl have no concern for themselves or others..they make me sick. Luckily the teenage boy was arrested after myself and the neighbors made serveral phone calls to the police. The teenage girl still lives there with her mother now who owns the house and by some miracle her baby seems normal and healthy.
Meth labs have been turning up in neighborhoods everywhere-- I live in the "OC" (CA) and while a lab hasn't been exposed on my street or thereabouts *yet*... it's definitely been on the increase in the immediate area, and labs have been found "percolating" in million dollar homes.
A friend nearby recently exposed a lab right *next door*. The neighbors were new, and she had a hard time figuring out just who the neighbors *were* exactly-- as different people were always coming and going.
Finally, she started "catching smells" and noticed other peculiar goings-on. Like misstia, she wasn't about to ignore it so after a brief period of careful, stealth observance, she contacted the police who ultimately arrested all involved parties and shut that mofo down!
So please, people... be observant. Check out the links both Dish and Misstiajournal have provided. Methamphetimine is ridiculously cheap to make, it's easy to obtain the ingredients and it's use is on the rise by people from ALL walks of life, rich as well as poor, old and young. Don't feel that it can't happen in "your neighborhood". It can and it sure as hell DOES.
Anyone who'd like to see even more shocking "before and after" meth pix can go to GOOGLE IMAGES and enter "meth heads". Therein you'll find the tale of one "Christina George". In 1995 she was a gorgeous woman-- movie star looks, really, but with each arrest (and ensuing mugshot) over the next 7 years her looks deteriorated beyond belief.
It's a must-see for anyone who doubts the devastating effects meth use can bring about.
Actually, everyone should see it.
I don't get it. As much drugs I've done and still do at times (We in Europe think a bit different about drugs), I would never use something like that :s
It has to stay fun. at some point it wasn't anymore, (coke), but I luckily snapped out of it.
Many friends still are addicts and I don't know what their future is.. Still living with mom and no money or savings.
Over here we're not accustomed to meth, luckily.. But Hero is getting cheaper and cheaper. I don't get it how you can make a living out of some elses misery
mj, I was a child of the 60's and 70's when drugs were a big part of the culture and yeah, fun. These meth people are ruthless and dangerous and quite insane at times. Times have changed, that's for sure. I don't want them near me, but, seems we have no choice.
Walker County (where I live) is one of the meth capitals of the world! It's so surprising to me how dumb people are, but they know how to cook meth and crank out babies! I'm always wary we're going to have an explosion in this building. That's the kind of people who live here. Meth heads in the first few buildings, and crack heads in the other half! I think I'll stick with coffee. :-)
:s if you know you're gonna look like that.. With meth I think there is no way back. And it's no fun.. There is no good in those drugs. Some would take anything to cope.
DD you live in Siberia from what I read and even there? sick.
over here we have a lot of coke addicts. Often go out on pills (belgium and holland :) we have the pills they have weed) and we both have harbors so coke 2. And hero from afghanistan etc.. but luckily no meth. I think the social controle (is that right?) is a bit bigger over here. Then again I live in a small town. on the other hand, only 20 min drive from the capital of belgium and 30 min from holland. I hope this "hype" doesn't blow over.
Then again, people would sniff chopped cow shit if it would give them a rush.
I posted an article of before and after on my blog to spread the word. I've been trying to locate any information on if people like these eventually die or if they just hang out as junkies for a long time. The horrifying rapid degeneration of their appearance indicates they're fast on the way to their deaths, yet I don't see any info on these people featured in police presentations as meth heads, if they're still with us.
Do people ever recover from this drug? It's looks very intense.
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