Eating with soldiers and having her photo taken and refusing to answer pregnancy questions (those are irrelevant, don't ya know?) She seemed confused about the food, or maybe she doesn't recognize food. I dunno. She has a plan and a purpose..I just don't know what it is. That soldier is cute though. (waves at the cute soldier.)
Thanks for the pic DD. The person she's next to is a Marine. I know it's a petty point but us Marines don't like to be called soldiers. About the chow; it's actually pretty good. Air Force and Navy Submarines have excellent food service facilities, and don't forget Guantanamo. The Guantanamo cookbook has some delicious recipes. Angie looks good, though none of us cared when a so called celebrity came for a one hour visit. I was there when Sean Penn came over and furiously snapped away with his camera at anything that moved. Anyway, thanks again for the pic.
I apologize. He's a cute MARINE. I heard ALL Marines are hot. Heh.
Bring our Soldiers HOME! BUT!!!! Keep this skanky WHORE! Adoptalina!
He's gotta be thinking "I thot she would be better looking in person"...but she's not"
He IS very cute & his cute GF back home probably thinks so too!!!
Maybe she went there to donate blood from her enormous veins?
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