Because she used her own money to open a dog adoption center in New York City yesterday, called the Pedigree Dogstore. Walsh says, "It breaks my heart to know that there are so many loving dogs in shelters just waiting to find homes. "It's impossible to articulate the happiness that my adopted dog Lucy brings to my life - so I'm excited to be a part of a program that is committed to raising awareness and funding for these wonderful animals."
I think it's awesome that she did this and I agree with her..if you want a dog, adopt one that needs a home. You can check out the Pedigree page HERE.
Watching those "save the animal" commercials that show the limping donkey, the stray sick dog that looks like Rachel Zoe, and abused animals make me cry every time.
I can not watch those things either.
Americans LOVE Dogs! So I don't worry about them as much. But! many more Cats & Kittens are abandoned, abused & euthanized every day. So please remember they need loving homes too!
Thanks! Susan from VA.
Thank you, Dish, for posting this link to the Pedigree adoption page.
As you know, you've got a HUGE following of pet-lovers, and we can never bring enough attention to the matter of encouraging people towards pet adoption, but more specifically, to adopt pets *from shelters* rather than purchase them from "pet shops".
There's a remarkable saying, "A pet makes your life whole, but you are their whole life”.
I had pets as a child, but feeling I was "too busy", I waited a number of years before adopting pets as an adult. Now that I've had them for awhile, I simply can’t imagine what life would be like without them. For my modest efforts-- I receive the most pure and unconditional love I could ever ask for.
Honestly, I'm unable to understand people who don't like animals. I'm sad for them because they're missing out on SO much in life.
When I've had a bad day, my dog knows something's wrong before my own spouse! Pets have a keen sensitivity and awareness and are highly-tuned to their master's "frequency", so to speak. Researchers have even found a connection between pet ownership and increased human health and longevity.
Just a cute anecdote; When my husband and I have an occasional disagreement and voices are just slightly raised-- our dog jumps up, gets between us and begins to bark as if to say-- "STOP IT! That's ENOUGH!"
It's the funniest thing and it never fails to completely diffuse the tension and leave us laughing.
You gotta love an animal with that kind of power, eh? Really, I'd be lost without my wonderful pets.
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