Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Baby bump?

Kate Hudsons reps keep saying she is NOT pregnant. First it was the wind that was blowing her dress into a bump, then she ate a grape or something. Here she is in Santa Monica on Sunday..what do you think?


Anonymous said...

she is looking a bit more roundier then she has but my question is - if she is - who the heck is the father.


Anonymous said...

She's so not preg. I saw this photo on another site but closer up, honestly, it looks really shopped to me. That girls ass ain't that big all of a sudden either. This pic seems fake to me. I like Kate. Love Goldie!!

hart734 said...

Kate would be nothing if her mother had been a PTA pres in bum-fuck Egypt. Kate is average. Period.

Anonymous said...

i think she is....

is she having another with her ex-husband?? or is it owen's??

Anonymous said...

ever since i had a kid i've looked 4 months pregnant. thats what happens. maybe she didn't have the obligatory celebratory tummy tuck.

Anonymous said...

I think something stiff got up her dress, and it wasn't a breeze.