Bindi Irwin got a mass produced doll..in her likeness. Thanks, but, I'll pass. I'll just stick with my Living Dead Doll collection, it's less frightening.
Bindi's four year old brother Bob (who's very cute) recently got bitten by a small Cobra. The little boy is okay now and was brave about the whole deal, but, I think anyone who lets their toddler play with a venomous snake needs a call from social services..or a head doctor.
Note...it was a baby Boa..thank you Bindi in comments. My apologies. Call social services anyway, because pimping out your dads death is not a career.
It was a baby boa, not a cobra
well I don't think it really matters - - it was a reptile that a 4 year old shouldn't be playing with
Those 2 kids are helping Mom carry on their dads legacy of working with the wild animals at the Australia Zoo. Thats their work & life. They are keeping it going. Bob is a doll! Bindi is cute & a nice little girl who is much older than her years. It's just hard to talk sh** about a family that has lost their father & husband. I just don't find that a very nice thing to do guys. She still has to raise them & feed them & pay for college etc. I think Terry will do OK w/o your help or mine.
This whole family is a bunch of creepy freaks, most of all that ugly girl.
There is nothing creepier than the American public, expecting entertainment from everything the corporations and paps bring to their attention. Their collective IQ is the most embarrassing on the planet and they don't realize the rest of the developed world laughs at them. Most
Americans are obese, barely scrape through their dumbed-down college courses and aren't intelligent enough to do more than shop, eat or gape at tv all their leisure hours.
They think money and beauty is next to godliness and expect Walmart and the doctor to solve all their problems.
Yeah I usually love DD, but when she starts shit talking people that she has NO IDEA what it is like walking in their shoes (dead father at a young age, widowed single mother) I feel like kicking DDs old saggy ass. It really IS fucked UP, and I agree with this asshole 157 because most of us Americans are fucking losers and I get to live with it everyday....
It would be great to punch Anon 9:32 right in the face...yes, it would be my pleasure :)
Bindi Irwin is clearly the result of some botched genetic experiment. I mean look at her.
She needs to go away now.
Anon 10:58 is the one who needs a punch in the pie-hole...and a ten minute time-out in the "baby" boa cage. See how much you like it, fucktard.
157? French by any chance? Next time you cowardly bastards get your asses kicked (or refuse to fight at all) why don't you remember that if it weren't for us fat stupid Americans you'd have a Kleinknecht up your ass. Fuck off.
you sound a bit young to be taking credit for the triumph of another generation.. a generation far far removed from the idiots that america is producing now a days..lol.. including my video game addicted children..
vote obama, he might turn you all into human beings.
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