Amy winehouse's beloved Blake almost died from a mixture of heroin and other toxins in his jail cell. He's been trading autographed pics of his wife for prison drugs to inmates who think they can sell them on eBay. Nice guy. Anyhow, now he's banned from all outside contact. Amy has been seen with the other Blake more and more. The other Blake (top) is a fashion photographer who doesn't drink or do drugs. Amy's looking a lot better since she's been hanging with him. Do you think she'll get a clue..finally?
i hope this makes her realize what an user blake I is....
I don't even like this chick but the difference between the 2 Amy's in the pics is powerful. Obviously, the bad Blake is bad for her & the new Blake is having a positive effect on her. She even seems to care more what she looks like with him. He's better looking too & if he really doesn't drink or do drugs, if he keeps hanging with her either he will start to do them or she will stop. Lets hope she stops. But w/e...
its her twin brother innit?....
So, she's married. Is this a BF/Gf thing? Or whats going on? Friends only? Booty calls? I wanna know for some reason. She should divorce the old Blake & move on 'cuz dude's not getting out early now!!! He may get out early tho, feet 1st. Sadly.
Amy's looking AMAZING now that she's cleaned up. Her eyes are gorgeous, her skin is clear and whole look is "pulled together.
I can't get over the transformation.
Alas, I don't think she'll ever dump (hubby) Blake. She would probably feel he "did what he had to do" and not be pissed he sold her photos for drugs.
Somehow with them I think it really *is* "till death do us part...". Sadly, he probably will get that early release-- out the back door.
Amy's only 24 ...lol
i heard that vegan straight edge blake is gay? hope its not true vegan straight edge is the way for our amy to go.
Sid and Nancy...reincarnated....
Their body language in the op pic says alot. But she is a married woman, so maybe they tried real hard to make it appear like they are just friends? They both seem very stiff to me, they need to loosen up. They probably do in private.
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