Monroe with a scarf, top, and Lindsay Lohan with a scarf, bottom. Lohan had the opportunity to work with Bert Stern who actually shot the last photo op of Marilyn alive and recreated it with Lohan. Lohan has a morbid fascination with MM, even owning her legendary haunted apartment.
Lohan calls MM's death tragic (duh) and says : “You know, it’s also tragic what just recently happened to someone else.” (Heath Ledger.) “They are both prime examples of what this industry can do to someone.” Why some and not others, I asked, since it has often seemed that the thrice-rehabbed Lohan might meet a similar fate. Lohan replied with a flicker of annoyance: “I don’t know. I’m not them. But I sure as hell wouldn’t let it happen to me.”
The Blow seems to have no clue that she's not even on the same rung of the fame ladder as legends. MM was more than a body, that's why she's still so loved. Blow would be about as worshipped as Dana Plato of she kicked off.
*More of Lohans sagging titties HERE.
the blow isn't on the SAME ladder! of course now she'll claim that this photoshoot 'christened' [sic?] her as the next monroe....
Monroe is/was/always be an American & International icon. Lohan is just a whore in a shitty wig. With lots of ugly freckles & ugly teeth. Who has the nerve to even consider her for something like this? I cannot believe it. It's almost a sacrelidge! Did I spell that right? LOL!
The blows pictures are tastless, she is sooooooooo ugly and looks worse with the blong wig.
Marlyn looks like a big A or at most a B cup. For some reason I always thot she was kinda busty, but she's small and droopy. Lohan is gross & speckled. Sure she has big boobs but look at whats attached to them! Yuck. Marilyn is fab.
Chucky face is FAAAAAAR from being the beautiful M.M !
M.M didn't have fake tits , freckles & a chucky face !
>M.M didn't have fake tits , freckles & a chucky face !
no, MM had a fake chin, a fake face and fake hair!
And what is wrong with freckles?
Oh wait - nothing!
She looks like a mentally challenged person trying to wear the scarf as a hat, but it just won't stay on her head.
Casey J.
The Blows tits, sad to say this...are real. But since she never wears a bra with good support or just none at all, those things will be hanging at her knees in a few short years. HaHaha!! She needs good push-up support & just doesn't think about the consequences of not wearing any.
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