She had them all doing a circle dance like a choo choo train and was said to enjoy herself as their star stuck parents watched. I'm glad someone was watching them. No, really, I'd be thrilled too, but, a little worried that her wig cooties might jump ship and I'd have to do the RID thing with that pain in the ass little comb. Still this is the best thing I've read about her in years. She hasn't seen her own kids in nearly 6 weeks. But, uhhhh, she doesn't scare her new students? A little?
why would any decent parent leave their kid with someone whose children have been taken away from her by the court system?
word on giving the children lice.
She does not have lice!!! Assfab maybe gave her crabs tho? This sounds cute to me. I hope this isn't what she wore that day!!! Backwards, inside-out shirt, torn fishnets & a ciggy? Naw, she probably didn't have the ciggy in front of them. I hope she gets better, I do care about this girl. Still wants to be child.
The Poontang Shuffle.....now that's funny. :-) :-)
As for her appearance, I wish her pappy would throw out those torn fishnets. And I really wish Poontang would wash her filthy fucking hair. I've never seen such a stubborn mentally ill person.
"I've never seen such a stubborn mentally ill person."
oh i have...i lived in an apartment house one time that had 2 bipolar residents and the 1 had serious SERIOUS grooming problems....she smelled like an ashtray, sweat, urine (she'd piss herself) and rotten food all at once....i couldn't even have my heat on cuz that smell would come thru the vents....and when she opened her door you wanted to pass out....
i'm gagging just thinking about it....she thought she was FINE....
misstiajournal - you do have my sympathy on the neighbor situation. I had a similar neighbor like that that lived in the apartment below me. It was actually a whole family. Don't know if any of them were mentally ill, but they never bathed or cleaned their place. I could smell the stink from my apartment. And at Christmas they took pliars and cut the electrical cord so that my outside Christmas lights wouldn't work. It was a hellish year and 1/2 before we finally moved.
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