Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Britney..never left alone

Daddy is not allowing Poontang to go anywhere alone, he even goes to clubs with her. She's no longer allowed to drive and he's hired bodyguards who follow her to the bathroom as well, but, Daddy can't make her wear panties. Take that, Daddy.


Anonymous said...

what a disaster this is turning out to be. I am glad her dad is trying to get things under control, but he can't be there forever.


Anonymous said...

she is not allowed to drive.

Thank God.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid all this stress is gonna kill him! I feel bad for her dad having to deal with an adult child like she's 2!! Thats gotta suck. His girls have been no prize have they? At least they have their own money & he isn't stuck paying for them anymore. Why doesn't she have on panties here? Is she showing off her new wax job? 'Cuz she is smooooth & clean! LOL...Hopefully dad didn't accompany her into the wax salon.

hart734 said...

Finally. The girl might have a chance. Good for dad. I mean it. Brit is the only one of all these women showing up as assholes that I feel for. I would like to see her get well again, and THEN I will enjoy trashing her (smile)

Anonymous said...

She is such an attention whore. Does she not realize that we ALL have seen her twat!?! I am so tired of her uselessness.
Get over yourself Brit.