*Victoria Gotti with her son Frankie at the Starlight Tattoo parlor opening, held at the House of Blues, at the Mandalay Bay Resort in Las Vegas.*
I think Victoria is a smart and likeable woman, but, she'd never like me because I think her boys are a bunch of spolied worthless blinged out assholes. I don't know how she ever raised such a pack of idiots. If I was her, I'd change my name and buy a remote island where they'd never find me again.
I used to watch her A&E show. It was pretty good & fun, but those boys were always trying her nerves. This one in particular. He was arrested not long ago for possession. Go figure. I like Victoria & I wish her show was still on.
All of the boys are hot. And my age too... Chicka chicka yeaa
I agree, Dish. I've always liked Victoria too. However, I must say there have been a few "say whaaat?" moments; You're probably aware of the fact that back in '05 she announced she had breast cancer, only to be exposed by the media who looked into her claims.
She later admitted that her doctors had merely dicovered "precancerous cells" in her breast. Her PR man quit over the embarrassing incident.
Nonetheless, I like her and I believe she's a tough broad with a heart of gold. She does have mitral valve prolapse, and wears a pacemaker.
As for those unruly boys, I don't think we can lay all the blame for their wild behavior on Mom. Their father, Carmine Agnello, who is serving time in prison for racketeering, as well as the rest of the family-- including uncles John, and Peter-- even "Grandpa" John himself-- have been a tremendous influence in their upbringing. Sorry to say, mostly a negative influence.
I've seen and read various interviews of the boys and the things that come out of their mouths are shocking indeed.
Back in 1998, when Gotti, Sr. was doing his time at the Illinois penitentiary (before his death), surveillance videotapes were made during a two-day family visit (prison officials recorded all visits to the Gambino family boss).
Choice tidbits were culled into a "series" titled "Blowing Up Gotti" (heh) which can be viewed on TSG:
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