Jason Alexander is claiming that Britney called him and left a message and now they talk all the time. He claims she doesn't really want her kids..
She wants to see them, but she doesn't want to be a full-time mom,” Jason In Touch weekly. “She said it doesn't matter if she doesn't get them back full time, and that she can always have other kids later on.”
You know what, you hound dog licking shit kicking wagon wheel fucker? If I wanted you to speak, I'd knock the plug of Skoal out of your mouth and slap you hard in the back of your flat head a few times. Shut up. If I was Britney..I'd so have this moron killed.
The best thing Poontang (and the rest of the family) can do is to IGNORE this creep.
Responding to, or even acknowledging his allegations only gives him the attention he so desperately craves. (as does the media picking up the story)
Dude needs to get a life.
Go DD!!!
Britney is chatting with him... in his dreams. She probably doesn't even remember that creepy guy.
OMG, this is so sick. How in the heck can you get married and NOT have sex? Gary must have married her for her cooking skills? LMAO!
"A hound dog licking shit kicking wagon wheel fucker"....that is one of the funniest fucking things I've heard in a long time.
:-) :-) :-)
And I too wish I could slap the back of his flat head and knock the Skoal out of his mouth. What an asshole he is...
Why is this guy so hateful? I only know she married him, but what's wrong with him?
What's "wrong with him?"
If I HAD to guess...
They were only married for about a day-- hours, literally. I think he's pissed because less than a year later she married (for reals this time) Kevin Federline and popped out a couple of child support payments.. er, I mean, children.
K-Fed's now a wealthy and famous man (cough) from his marriage/divorce with Britters.
And uh, Jason "whats-his-name" is..... is.... um, he does... well, he lives in Louisiana.
Good for all those EX's...she chose them and now she has to deal with their bull. If anyone should be giving her sh!t it should be them...they know her best - seen her in her best and worst times. What this hillbilly boy is saying is nothing more important than all the other crap we hear by anyone. It's way funnier coming from her blast from the past...and speaking of past...I wouldn't put it past her that she called him. I think we'd be surprised to know the real junk that comes out her mouth - minus these creeps parts.
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