Friday, February 15, 2008

Christina on why she had a C section

Aguilera to Hello.. “I didn’t want any surprises,” reveals the new mom. “Honestly, I didn’t want any [vaginal] tearing. I had heard horror stories of women going in and having to have an emergency C-section [anyway]. The hardest part was deciding on his birthday. I wanted to leave it up to fate, but at the same time I was ready to be done early!”
I'm so glad rich people can do anything they want. One word for her....episiotomy.


Anonymous said...

hey, if your cootchie is what keeps your relationship together, gotta protect it...I guess

Anonymous said...

am i the only one to notice that the bottom of his shoes look like they're brand new??

i've never heard her music, but i do like how they're posed with the dogs....she seems somewhat grounded....

Anonymous said...

she loves her husband & he's not gorgeous, but is a music producer. So, he already had money. She has money, so they are t'gthr because they want to be. Their baby is perfect & will be loved. This is not another Britney waiting to happen. I'd compare her more to Gwen Stefani. She will be a hands-on mom. I could care less why she had a c-section & she shouldn't feel apologetic about that.

Anonymous said...

c-section is great. Ugly scars, high risk for the mom to die because of blood clots, infections and other complications. Everyone should have one! We need more dead moms! That would teach the teens a lesson!

What happened to 'prepartion'?

Oh, and Chrissy, keep the dogs away from your newborn. Animals&people without working imune system don't mix well.

Woah, what a stupid brat.

Anonymous said...

she is a moron a rich moran who can unfortunally demand her own way.

Anonymous said...

People get c-sections to avoid the vaginal stretching and to get a tummy tuck at the same time. "how can she look so great two weeks after giving birth?" erm, tummy tuck, duh. Can you imagine any of our Moms even considering either of those things? Guh.

Anonymous said...

I don't know but maybe its me, but the only reason i had a c-section was because i would not dialate and was already 2 weeks late. i was induced for 12 hrs, dialated only to 6 when the dr. finally said thats it c-section. must be nice to be able just say, hmm i want a c-section and i want my baby born on this day for a special b-day, get the hell out of here, i like christina but thats just f'd up!

Anonymous said...

Get a Clue, How stupid, the hardest part is picking a birthday.