Monday, February 11, 2008

Dad throws Poontangs pink wig out

Britney's dad was caught throwing out a bunch of her particularly disgusting stuff, and one of the things he tossed was her famous pink wig. Sam Lufti once claimed that when she brought out the pink wig, you knew it was bad..referring to her level of craziness, or her bizarre pink wig personality. Now it's gone. Here's the bad news.......Daddy Spears let her keep the boots. Gawd those things have to be full of swamp rot by now.


Psssssssst, I think she has more than one pink wig. Can't stop the crazy train that easy.


Anonymous said...

She has to have more than one...the one in this pic is way shorter than the other we have seen...unless it got so friggin scrungy that she had to have her wig cut....wouldn't doubt that either.
Ken Paves saves the day again!

Anonymous said...

can her dad buy her some pants?

theres a reason you call her poontang.

Anonymous said...

She also must have more than one pair of boots, albeit in two or three 'models.'

Anonymous said...


So far, so good. I think everything he's done so far to help his daughter been hugely positive.

And I love the fact that he's arranged for not only a bodyguard (babysitter)... but someone to DRIVE her ass.

Anonymous said...

So how much you wanna bet that'll be dug out of the trash and sold on Ebay?

Anonymous said...

your are not supposed to enjoy living with your Dad...especially since he has court papers that say, "oh, yes I AM the bossa you!"

Anonymous said...

This exercise in fultility will probably take a life...daddy Spears. His heart won't be able to take it.

Anonymous said...

at least he is trying, you have to give him a little credit for that.

unfortunately no one is going to be able to save her - that is going to have to come from her and her staying on medication and I don't see it happening.

Not saying she will die, but I think she will be wreckless and in and out of hospitals for a long time


Anonymous said...

Awww-he didn't throw 'em out. The paps would be head-first into the trash fishin' it outta there.
