“So I take great offense to almost see someone getting glory out of being in the position that they’re in — she needs to get her life together and embrace her craft, she will lose it if she doesn’t get it together.”
I thought the Grammy's were about who has the best music, not who has their shit together, because if that's the case only Carrie Underwood would win anything..you know, because she's so perfect. Gag. Someone send Cole a case of STFU.
my thoughts exactly. bitch takes herself too seriously too.
I agree with both of you.
And I'm glad Amy did so well and looks so great.
she needs more than some STFU....
i wonder if she wants everyone to take a piss test before voting??
some of the best songs, music, ART in general, have come from people in the throes of drug/drink addiction....not condoning going out and shooting up, but sometimes people are suffering and something GOOD comes from it...
gotta give it to her, she looks good...she's Nat King Coles dd, BITCH IS OLD!!
Natalie Cole is older than Oprah Winfrey...she said some shit that a grouchy ole broad would say...she doesn't even know what the letters STFU stands for...think about it
She's an idiot; the whole point of being a rock star is to behave badly and not give a shit. What has NC done recently anyway?
It's not a big deal. NC should have let it go. It's a stupid trophy for crissakes! She needs to wait it out & see if Amy comes out of this OK. If Amy died tomorrow, I wouldn't want to be NC & said all that crap. Like it matters anyway. Who cares? Herbie The Love Bug Hancock won best album? See? Nobody really gives a flip. be nice or shut up. Amy got those votes for her work not for her addictions.
You people are idiots. She's merely saying that Amy is taking her talent for granted, wasting her life on drugs. She knows what drug addiction is, and we all know
'No junk No soul' She's not ripping on Winehouse. She like the rest of us are in shock that Amy actually won a Grammy, there is no real talent in the music biz anymore. And yes I agree w/you Meluvslameluvit - Natalie looks damn good for her age.
Envy, envy, envy.
I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me. by Hunter S. Thompson.
Anon 11:26 must be the same person who commented that Amy has no stage presence. I am super-picky about any female vocalists and am also a vocalist. Amy has incredible range and talent and anyone with any inkling of musical knowledge or even decent hearing would know this, even if they didn't appreciate Amy's genre. She blows almost everyone else away and I for one am very happy for her great success at the Grammys.
Ok, bear with me here... I actually think NC has a point.
You're basically saying that any sufficiently talented person should get this all important award regardless of what they do with their personal acts and lives. Who's to judge, and all that.
But the argument is flawed. Since you mention the insufferable Underwood to stress a point, let me try the opposite: what if Winehouse's perceived "sins" were even worse. Should she still be entitled to public recognition in the form of a Grammy if it had been discovered that, say, she used to invite little boys to her coke parties? After all, arguably her music would be as, er, good as ever. Would that be different? On what grounds?
I don't buy that -- awards are given to people, not pentagrams, and talent doesn't grow in a vaccuum. As such I find the division art/artist silly and I definitely can see where NC is coming from. I think it's sensible to look at the person behind the music when bestowing an award. There is a message being sent to the public too. I'm sorry that Winehouse got unlucky -- this isn't the 70s anymore, dope is far from being a joke, and we have tabloids and blogs to document her descent into madness. Still, any way you look at it, Winehouse is no winner.
Those grapes are hella sour.
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