Remember when we loved her and her rags to Oscar story? Now Jennifer Hudson says..
"I have the height of a model, the breasts that people pay for and the lips that everybody wants, so why should I change? I wouldn’t change myself for anything or anybody. That will never happen.”
Shut up. I guess American Idol doesn't have a humility coach. Or full length mirrors.
this chick has "fat girl" boobs, not the attractive kind, black girl lips,pubes on her head, that she covers with wigs and she better be glad she is a little taller, 'cuz girl is FAT! I would pay money not to look like her and people do everyday. A lot of black people that have "risen up" seem to be very arrogant & haughty. Why do they have to be like that? Just be a regular guy, we like you! You don't have to shove it down our throats, I don't care what color you are.
She can't go away fast enough.
girl ain't leavin' she got her an Academy Award now! She be stayin'
Droopy breasts and lack of a figure are not something she should be bragging about.
Fat is fat. And, she IS FAT!
Really? you really feel that way?
funny, cuz when she was up and coming & said stuff like that she was loved as one of the real people who didn't bow down to hollywood wanting her to be skinny and look like the rest of them. now that she has an oscar and some success...she says the SAME thing and you hate her?
your fucking haters is all.
just cuz someone is in the system is no reason to hate what they say.
if she had said...i wish i was thinner you would hate her for having no self esteem & giving in to hollywood. shut the fuck up...idiots...
anon 12:55:00
NO!!!! She has gotten full of herself & nobody likes the chick that thinks she's "all 'dat" ya' know??? Nobody!!! It's not about her size or anything, it's her attitude. She needs to grow up & learn about how to behave like an adult. We know she has talent. So do lots of people, they just don't feel the need to remind us by telling us they are beautiful or talented. If she truly felt that way, then why the need to talk about it? Who is she trying to convince? Us or herself? Shut up already.
Her breasts need some very strong support and they ain't getting any!!! Blech! *FLOP* *FLOP*
you're right, anon 12:55.
and it's sad that people like anon 10:56 comment here and everyone accepts those racists remarks naturally.
I agree, anon 10:56 is in a dream state if he/she doesnt think he/she is racist~ he/she clearly IS racist.
Props to Anon 12:55
yeah! damn uppity niggers!
Whatever. I think she looks great and knows it. Thick and proud!
How do you know what color anon 10:56 is? Blacks are racist too.
Right on to the post above mine.
I had the misfortune of being a guest of the prison system. During my brief stay(couple of weeks for contempt) I realized just how racist and ignorant about history most inmates are. The black community is killing themselves with the "get rich or die trying" theme, and the "no snitching" campaign. Cops are not the bad guys usually; the inner city thugs and dealers that sell crack to kids and parents and refuse to self-examine are the real disease.
LarryElder.com is a voice of reason within the black community. Remember Bill Cosby getting booed out of Louisiana when he asked residents to make a change for the better.
This obese and image-naive girl needs a reality check. Stop listening to her "boo" and look in the mirror, or play connect the stretch marks to keep busy for hours.
How many homeless Orientals do you see in the streets begging or hustling drugs?, how many people of other nationalities do you see under your Highways year after year? sadly is mostly Blacks, because they would rather cry racism or unfair treatment than to see that their years of youth were wasted getting wasted.
Sorry for the diatribe DD--just tired of some people's singular view. Thank you.
good for you anon 5:42. I agree. I wrote a longer post but the server went down & erased it. So...nevermind. I just wanna say if you do something wrong, own it...don't blame the system or your color! White ppl get arrested everyday by black cops doing their jobs. Do they call "racist"?? Nope. Some might but they are the scum anyway.
what does blaming the system have to do with Jennifers floppy boobies...I don't get it, every post with a black person brings out this, "fairness" hostility...I can't wait until Obama is President, all the "poor me" excuses will have to go away! I'll take Bill tho, uh, I mean Hillary.
BTW, I'm black and every black person that I know is educated and in many ways financially secure, don't judge us all...there are more of "US" than can be seen publicly...the stoopid church movies are a stereotype, the "you go girl" bullshit is bullshit, what's funny is white people don't even know how condescending we are, we indulge the stereotypes while we drive away in our Bentleys...don't you get it? many of us have a "give the baby it's bottle" mentality. The brothers in jail, fucked up and we don't want them in our neighborhoods either!
angry white people, look at what you see, really look, is that nigro a stereotype or a guy in $500k worth of jewelry & capped teeth really downtrodden? A good weave costs about $600.00,go on www.essence.com look for The Essence Music Festival(an uppity black music conference) look at the cost of attendance and the HUGE number in attendance. I might get kicked out for telling secrets,hehe
You can't be very smart if you misspell "stoopid". And when did Obama say that the excuses will go away.? So far it's been promises and criticism of the status quo. I remember the faux pas he made when he said he'd bomb Pakistan if he had good intel. Ouch!! I seee Obama and I think Jimmy Carter. And I don't like Billary either.
didn't say I was smart, just rich, and condescending...
Holy crap another Jennifer Hudson on here. You probably have a fat ass & huge flopped over boobs too. Haha!! You perpetuate your own stereo type by talking about your personal property like thats your worth. Your worth isn't what you own & you need to realize that. You are such a sad soul. I ain't poor either but I'm not on here talking about what color I am & how much sh** I own. Maybe I'm purple & live in a golden palace. You will never know.
gotcha!!!!! You just showed your true colors anon 12:00:00!! I thank you for your ignorance. You are "them". The PWT crying foul for no reason at all. Not my fault you're broke. Jennifer could care less she's a-floppin those enormous boobies on the red carpet along with Beyonce and Aretha, not givin' a crap about you, or for what it's worth, their dress size.... You don't have to dis blacks with money. We haven't taken anything from you. There has been no "uprising", just employment. We are not trying to hurt you or insult you. You shouldn't feel angry whenever you see wealthy black people. Has nothing to do with you.
I am such an egomaniac that I WILL POST A PICTURE OF MYSELF WITH A WORKING PHONE NUMBER,IF YOU WILL. And you'd better be hot, I mean, smokin' with the bull you talk.
Just get a better job, but you'd better hurry, some black person may ALREADY BE IN LINE TO TAKE IT, lawd knows they just GIVE us PHd's!
fer cripes sake! anon 12:00:00, can't you tell when somebody's pulling your chain? If you didn't know you were a racist, now you have proof.
All of you people need help! i bet jennifer is a hell of a lot better looking than you all.
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