Thursday, February 14, 2008

Josiah Leming ..idiot of the week award

Living out of his car, Josiah Leming blew the judges away in his first and second auditon, despite the fact that he suffers from Britney-itis and sings with a fake British accent. I thought, this kid has it....the looks, the charm, definitly the talent...he could be the one. Then he had a brain fart at the third auditon, he broke down and sobbed his unkown ass off because him dinnnit wike the song choices, stayed up all night bawling and the next day fired the AI band! What?! The judges cut his diva ass and his dream went up in smoke. One night of being and idiot and he lost potential millions and is back to living in his old junky car. But, he's on You Tube so I'm sure he'll get laid. Idiot.


Anonymous said...

The same thing happened to me. I feel for him.

Dirty Disher said...

Awwww, you'll always be an American Icon, isn't that enough?

Unknown said...

I was like wtf is he doing!he totally lost points with me by having that attitude.

Barb said...

I don't think he is that good looking. But, maybe for an 18 yr old he is>

I didn't think he sang all that well. Lacks versatility, but he does have an amazing voice. AI could have given him the experience he needs, and developed him if he had cooperated.

Not that big of a loss for me.

Anonymous said...

He needs to hear what every diva needs:

yooouuu're out! neener! neener! neener! you suck! you suck! y-o-u suck!

Anonymous said...

I liked him alot.... I thought he had it all. I absolutely LOVED when he was playing the keyboard and singing. I thought that was an amazing choice of song to do. He is briliant, he just made one mistake and now he is off IDOL. OMG NOOOOOOOO, NOT OFF IDOL!!! PFFFFTT, he is going to go places, I will tell you that right now.
Casey J.

Anonymous said...

I think he's an idiotic brat with serious issues and the only places I see him going in the near future are rehab clinics.

Anonymous said...

I've always thought that the song choices American Idol offers their contestants are very limited. Musicians shouldn't be scathed for being true to their own art. Just because the industry demands that artists conform and compromise doesn't make it right. So he couldn't pick up a cover song with the American Idol band...that makes him a diva? He just looked like a tortured artist under pressure to me. He's an amazing songwriter, especially for an 18 year old. No, his sound probably wouldn't be well received by commercial radio but is that a bad thing? Commercial music has sucked for a long time. Original songwriters don't have a place on American Idol. American Idol is only for people that can sing the American Anthem at Super Bowl. Josiah could never pull that one off.