Joss Stone says her British fans hate her American accent. I also heard that Sir Paul McCartney nixed the idea of his young daughter Bea living in the US because he doesn't want the kid picking up our "crude, coarse" American way of speaking. Is this true??
Tell me Brits..I wanna know. You Brits have a variety of accents, all of which I find charming and sexy. Us Americans have just as may varieties, from Southern drawls to Midwest twangs to sharp NY staccatos. If you think our accents are crude and yuky..I think my feelings will be hurt.
Tell me Brits..I wanna know. You Brits have a variety of accents, all of which I find charming and sexy. Us Americans have just as may varieties, from Southern drawls to Midwest twangs to sharp NY staccatos. If you think our accents are crude and yuky..I think my feelings will be hurt.
She looks like Mandy Moore here. Umm, if they don't like to hear us speak they can just stay over there & stop watching our movies & television shows & listening to our music. We love their accents & they know it, my fav is Aussies!! But it's still a class thing with them. We have no class in their weird way of thinking. Oh well, stay the eff away if you don't like it! This isn't sad, it pisses me off.
Oll roight lav, 'ere's tha fing. You yanks 'ave the most ooful akseents. Oi meeeen reely eets jest blaady tereble
I don't know about the Brits but when I was over in NZ everyone loved my accent. I bet it's the same way in England. Some snooty people with their knickers in a twist think we're crude and wrong (even though we standardized the English language first...but who's keeping track?) but many more I imagine like our accents because they're different.
ahhhh,fuck em.......
hey fuck them double! maybe they should worry more bout brushing their teeth instead of out accents.mine's the horrible baltimore accent. Hey hon!
Right on about the dental issues in the UK! Huge problem!!! Nobody over there has nice teeth. Even my beloved Hugh Grants lower teeth are jacked!!! Why don't they fix their teeth? The girls the Beatles dated had jacked up teeth.
FUCK OFF! (said entirely without an american accent)
i'm english but i've been over here so long that i've lost the accent & it only comes out every now & then. now my accent is majorally a jersey one & i'm fine with it (i quite like it) i have been told by one of my nan's friends (in england) that i have a "lovely american accent". i like my english accent too but it does get annoying when everyone around is like "oh, say something in your english accent" i do have to admit that southern accents annoy the hell out of me though(people from tenn are especially bad)
Well, I am not British but I have lived in London for quite a while now and it seems to me that a lot of the British men really like women with American accents.
bugger off!!!!
anon 7:28:00 AMEN! if they don't like us stop trying to BE us...
I have relatives from London and they love our accents, the fave seems to be NY or Philly...anything distinctly urban seems to hit a chord...
It really depends who's speaking. If you are hot you can pretty much get away with anything.
Nah...even a fug English accented dude can get a hot chick. & guys love girls with english accents as well, even if they aren't gorg.
Paul McCartney may have made that comment because of emotional hold over from his divorce. He's probably not too happy with things American, at the moment. He obviously hasn't had a problem with it in the past, because both of his wives had (have) American accents.
After my divorce (from an Englishman with a very posh accent), you could've taken London, everything in it and every British accent in the world and blown them to pieces, and I wouldn't have blinked. I hated my own children's English accents; but now, all things British are back to being cool. You get over it. PM will too, eventually.
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