Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Kirstie Alley don't need no stinking Jenny Craig

Kirstie Alley is starting her own weight-loss program. She said she will "develop and pilot my own weight-loss brand that I hope to launch in 2009."
Uhhh, isn't that called eating? It's not such a bad idea, at least she would be a diet spokeperson I could live up to. Pass the fries.


Anonymous said...

why can't her RELIGION save her from being a fat fuck??? they can fix everything! but i guess they can't beat the battle of the bulge...

Anonymous said...

misstia LOL!!!

her religion IS doing something for her, it's obvious who she worships and it aint God....

Anonymous said...

Humm, notice she talked about developing and piloting her weight-loss "brand", not her program. Although her being her own spokesperson is admittedly a questionable decision.

Anonymous said...

Ok. I'm confused. Why is she launching a weight-loss brand? ISN'T SHE FAT?



Anonymous said...

Holy crap, her feet look enormous there.