"I want to collaborate with Amy [Winehouse] because she's really hot and cool right now. I know one song Rehab was very popular particularly because a lot of young people are in rehab as well. In fact I'm thinking about going. It looks like loads of fun and I know my career will benefit from it."
Yeah, you're a regular Sarah Silverman, bitch. She's nastier than any blogger could ever be..rude stanky twat.
she needs a tall glass of STFU....
Is she serious or sacastic? Rehab is no joke for most that go. Maybe to her it seems like a joke because nobody seems to be helped by it in Hollywood. I get that part. But for real...is she serious? This makes me not like her & I understand why Lance dumped her ass.
She's an ungrateful bitch whose career was launched on the hard work of others. If I had a terminal illness, I'd probably throw acid in her face. Her cancer was karma coming back around.
"Hot & Cool"??? What an idiot. Those 2 words sound so stupid in the same sentence.
I don't know why, but I'm really shocked by Sheryl's remarks...
Maybe because she *is* a cancer survivor and she's been through so much in her personal life... I expected a little humility and understanding from her.
Just goes to show how celebrities often reveal their true colors in unguarded moments.
Amy you have issues, that karma might come back on you ms. Hateful.
It sounds like a joke or a sarcastic comment. Stop taking everything said so seriously; especially when said out of context. People seem determined to be upset by things famous people say...
Notice the tan on her face is 5 shades darker than everywhere else... ewww
"Stop taking everything said so seriously; especially when said out of context. People seem determined to be upset by things famous people say..."
Why are you going from post to post stirring up trouble? FYI, this is a Celebrity Gossip Blog. Obviously you've read Dirty Disher's posts before reading the comments. Anyone with a 4th grade education would be able to grasp that the entire *point* of her blog is to snark on all things "celebrity". If you still dont get it, fuck you, and the broom you flew in on.
Nicky Nicardo, knowing her background, I am surprised too.
But somehow I think she is not making fun of the act of going to rehab in attempt to seriously fight addiction but rather that going to rehab has become a trend and young Hollywood tarts are running in and out of rehab facilities and treating it like it is a luxury hotel. I think it probably just didn't come out in a good way and ended up making her sound like an asshole.
Agree with Mich.
Besides, it's not like AW didn't have it coming. I mean scorn and mockery. She's the one that came up with the song and turned her own life into a freakin media circus. I think Sheryl Crow is being snarky and, much like DD on other targets, pretty much telling it like it is.
Anon 3:01, if you're gonna insult me without the facts don't do it anonymously like a little chicken shit. And you don't have the facts. She's an ungrateful person who basically got famous because other people wrote her albums and coached her and she completely cut them out of her life and didn't give them credit. She actually took credit on a broadcasted inteviw for writing a song "Leaving Las Vegas" and she'd never even been to Las Vegas. ShI stand by my statement. She's a horrible person.
Oh gee Amy, If I say my name is Bill does that make it better? Chicken shit? No that is you. A pathitic little worm. LOL, she wrote a song about las Vegas without ever being there?? That bitch! Your a sorry little turd Amy. Karma will get you. If that bothers you that I said that well... Fuck you
Man you are an utter waste of oxygen who doesn't know shit about anything and apparently cares more about standing up for a celebrity than anything more important. I commented on the article and you take the time to try to rip me a new one. It's really sad. The song about Las Vegas was written by someone else, that's my whole point. Not that she talked about somewhere she hadn't been, clearly many people do that. Anyway, I'm done with this.
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