Natalie Portman launched her vegan shoe line at Te Casan on Tuesday in New York City. 5% of all vegan shoe profits will be going to charity. You can get them in NYC at Te Casan or their website..HERE. But, these are NOT what I call reasonably priced shoes and you can count me out. I already own two pairs of vegan shoes (not Portmans line) and they make my feet sweat. I am far too girly to walk around with stinky feet. Maybe Natalie can afford to buy a new pair everyday, but, I can't.
you gotta give her credit for trying though....and she's not real smug with her efforts either....
look at pam anderson---so called peta soldier---who went around wearing uggs for YEARS w/o knowing they were made from animals!
Okay, I am stupid but what are vegan shoes? Made of synthetic materials? Count me out then.
The problem is that vegan products usually use synthetic materials, most of which seem to be petroleum-based. Even when they're made from natural fibres, they're heavily processed.So in a roundabout way, all eco-systems and living creatures are affected by switching to alternative materials, since they are obtained and made usable with lots of sacrifice to the environment from processing, transportation, effluence, etc.
Is the alternative sandals made from vines and tree bark? Yikes!
For now I try not to shop much and try to make use of the clothes I have as long as possible. Helps my budget enormously and my conscience too.
This is interesting to see the impact of what we buy:
great link, woolslippers! thanks!
i totally agree with you wool slippers.. one extreme is animal remains and the other is natural resources that are becoming endangered themselves... there has to be a comfortable medium between killing animals and killing the environment to save the animals...
i like the design though
So, like Crocs, they are rubber or plastic? That stuff really stinks after a while. Leather breathes. I like my leather, thank you.
Thanks for the link, Woolslippers.
Btw wool is a great natural material that I love.
Synthetic materials are bad to the environment and also to our health.
Agreed with everyone...Might as well walk around naked...Come to think of it...Are those vegan shoes made out of sinthetic fibers biodegradable? Ha. I didn't think so. Way to make a hipocrite statement.
anonymous (#1),
the problem is that it's not YOUR leather. So, thank you yourself.
Wear your own skin, if you ever wanna say that.
'MY' leather..jeez, humans are so self centered and arrogant!!!
The vegan shoes are out of my price range, but they are premium and gorgeous.
I like that Natalie put her money into this project, as opposed to something else that is neither vegan or green. Kudos 2 her!
These shoes are hot
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