From Page Six..During the Grammys weekend, the couple went to several parties each night for hours. Last weekend, Richie and Madden once again left their tot at home to spend some quality time with Joel's brother Benji and Lindsay Lohan at Teddy's in the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. They didn't rush home until the end of the evening - "It's almost as if they aren't parents," said a spy."
Oh, shudup. There are plenty of other new celeb parents who've been out and about lately..one HUGE busted blonde comes to mind..and no one picks on them. There IS life after children, people.
No big deal, They are young and I'm sure they have Nanny's, Nicole has done well, to stay healthy and in control, she's no Brittney no where close. I wish them the best.
Thats why god invented baby-sitters and nanny's. If you don't get out once in a while you will let yourself go & stop enjoying things. You gotta get out & just breathe & enjoy time away from the baby. It also helps to maintain the parental relationship as more than just parents and still keep the sparks flying! They are great & will be fine parents. Joel came from a shi**y background & an asshole father. He is sooooo not gonna be like that. I have nothing but great feelings about them.
Reminds me of back when I watched daytime talk shows. There was always one dumb bitch who would say something along the lines of "You should be at home with your childrens!" And then the audience would explode with applause.
You could tell that those idiots had no children.
They look like normal young parents to me. No. I don't speak from personal experience, (I was ancient by comparison when I had my one and only) but they both look tired and in need of some freedom. Yes, that's what babysitters are for. When I see Nicole coming out in full "drag queen get-up took me hours to get ready dress" I'll have something negative to say. I don't know what makes that come to mind. Older parents have just developed better "coping" mechanisms. Non-parents do not have a clue... and should just shut up. Non-parents... attack at will!
totally!! in fact when i got pregnant i decided that i would become a bad mother instead of a good mother, there is so much pressure on women to be good mothers. surprisingly, my kid turned out ok and i had a life after having a baby.
Don't baby's sleep all the time + I guess after 9 months of living like a monk, I would like to go out from time to time again.
They can afford a babysit and I don't think Harlow will be "damaged" because her parents go out from time to time.
If she's breastfeeding and drinking that's another thing, but I guess she figueured that out herself 2 and probably doesn't, which is also fine.
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