Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Not to be braggin' but...

Okay, I'm just braggin'. Pop-Rock Candy Mountain made me their Mile High Five Club feature..it's very cool and I'm honored. Thank you, Jeff! HERE (scroll down)


Anonymous said...


do you promote your blog and/or send out emails? or is this unsolicited horn tooting???

Dirty Disher said...

'Twas unsolicited, but, I'm flattered. And the answer to your first Q is..nope.

Unknown said...

Dishy is so kewl!!!! Me likey the interview...nothing like some good ol' Disher to start the day!

Anonymous said...

you have ever right to brag and so you should. I know how difficult and time consuming it is to run a forum and the degree of what you do DD on your blogg is just amazing and you should be very proud of your work.

It is a great accomplishment and to be recognised anywhere else is something to celebrate and feel great about and I couldn't be happier for you.

Way to go - congrat's


Major Majormajor said...

Brag away, babe. You've earned it!

Anonymous said...

Hey good for you DD! Loved the interview (and that pic!)


Anonymous said...

be PROUD (in your vegan clogs) very cool!!!!!

Anonymous said...

you are. very cool.