I do not understand the concept of wearing animal fur as fashion. I am from the Midwest and come from a generation of hunters, but we don't hunt for sport, my family hunts for the meat. But we don't go around with our deer skinned coats and turkey feather hats! lol Why would someone with so much money think that wearing a dead animal is fashionable? Even if you don't have money don't wear animal fur Damn that is so tacky.
I think why in the hell does she have a dead dog draped over her shoulder.
i think her hagard facial look is due to the hauntings she receives all night from the family of that dead animal over her shoulder...
dead coyote, still identifiable! Yikes! Whats that for? & do they not have make-up in Russia?
one word: "tragic"
Road kill she found on her walk?
I do not understand the concept of wearing animal fur as fashion. I am from the Midwest and come from a generation of hunters, but we don't hunt for sport, my family hunts for the meat. But we don't go around with our deer skinned coats and turkey feather hats! lol Why would someone with so much money think that wearing a dead animal is fashionable? Even if you don't have money don't wear animal fur Damn that is so tacky.
I like the little white fellow but who's that turd he's sitting on?
Looking at her I have a sudden urge to sit in a snowbank and drink shots of vodka
well, my dear friend "hunter", just go and wear the dead animal's fur. I've already killed him "for the meat" anyway.
So noble of you.
I think she is aiming at having PETA put her on the map. Anything to get her face in the mags.
I think it's been a loooong fourteen years.
I think her skin looks better, I've seen her in person....it was bad
she doesn't have any family, when her pet died, she couldn't let go....
omg, poor animal:(
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