Friday, February 15, 2008

Pimp Daddy! Pimp Daddy!

Dannielynn pees in the pool! OK gets the exclusive! Dannielynn drools on her pillow! Entertainment Tonight covers it live!!!! What ever.


Unknown said...

wow that kid looks more like her mom each day!

Anonymous said...

i would really like to know how much OK! paid Larry to get back in his good graces after that cover store supporting Rita Crosby's book of lies...OK! never published an apology to them either....

i can't feel that bad re: larry pimping out dannielynn cuz i know ANS would have been doing it too....

Anonymous said...

She is such a pretty baby, I would be proud of her too. But stop it, enough already. But the man has bills to pay I 'spose. get a job dude.

Anonymous said...

He is a complete utter pervert.

Anonymous said...

are her eyes fixed? They look pretty focused, the therapy is working! He's a turd but looks like he does care for her, how could he not she's a doll...

Anonymous said...

That little girl is sooo beautiful. Her bio parents are/were pitiful but she is really going to be stunning when she grows up.