Heather Mills is back in court trying to score Sir Paul's money. She can't pay her lawyers so she's going to be her own council. Yeah, that'll work. But, there a new twist..now some douche has come forward and said he was fucking Stumpy McMoneygrubber while she was married to Paul.
Tim Steel, who had allegedly been sleeping with Heather for three years when she met Paul, said: “Heather was insatiable, she demanded sex six times a night.I’d come home to find her waiting naked in bed. She had a hoard of vibrators for when she was home alone. Her favorite was a huge back massager that she plugged into the mains.“She would laugh and say, ‘I’m being pursued by a Beatle!’ She even showed me text messages from Paul. She was up for it anywhere. Once she pleasuredme under my desk while I was at work.”
He said: “Heather has a very unusual erogenous zone - her stump. I used to massage one particular area and it gave her an orgasm.”
He said: “Heather has a very unusual erogenous zone - her stump. I used to massage one particular area and it gave her an orgasm.”
Yummy, stump fucking! Oh, yeah, baby! I hope Steel took pictures of that. And no more landmines? Come on, Stumpy, I know where we coud plant one more land mine..I'll even grease it up first.
Srsly, where is her stump?
Didn't think her reputation could get any worse but somehow...
She has one leg..she lost the other in a motorcycle accident.
someone needs to put a landmine in her ass...
or beat the shit out of her with her peg leg...
She has one leg
she lost the other in a motorcycle accident
true it was a horrible accident she lost her left leg but she's going to be all right now.
She certaintly is going to cut off Paul at the knee for her alimony $upport.
Heather is standing her ground
I don't buy it
This is such a stupid & sick joke. Just some idiot trying to get publicity for doing nothing. Just a mouth flapping in the breeze. Doubt he has ever met Heather!! I don't believe a word of this. Fake! Fake!!
that chick came up to newfoundland a while back to cuddle some baby seals. a year later the herd was only half the population. she spread VD through half the seal population.
I heard yesterday that they were in court about the divorce.
I heard Paul offered her 50 million but she wants double that.
It's going to get ugly again.
He went too far trying to defame her, now it's obvious he's a liar.
In which fairytale land does one have orgasms from rubbing body parts only remotely connected to sex organs?
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