Tuesday, March 4, 2008

9/11 anti-smoking ad

That's right. I am just like the terrorists who kill innocents for my own political and religious agenda by smoking a legal substance in the privacy of my own bedroom with the door closed and a window cracked so the small child who stays here on weekends is not exposed (much) to my noxious addiction. Shit like this makes me want to smoke more. I'll kill everyone eventually. I am a terrorist.


Anonymous said...

That is just WRONG! I don't smoke & thats not why it bothers me. It's wrong because that day was a terrible day in US history & shouldn't be used to make a point, for something like this. If you don't wanna smoke, don't! I don't wanna breathe your 2nd hand smoke either, but I haven't been in a restaurant in a very long time that even allows smoking. Bars/clubs are a different story. You go there, you know what to expect. This picture really upsets & disturbs me.

Anonymous said...

That's fucked up. I am a smoker so it pisses me off just for that reason alone. But on top of that, THE WORLD TRADE TOWERS!!?? Whoever came up with this advertisement is disrespectful and has no soul. 9-11 should be remembered for only what it was. It should NEVER be used in any other reference, ESPECIALLY something as dumb as an anti-smoking ad.

Anonymous said...

I am a non smoker and this ad even offends me! So basically they are saying that all smokers are killers?
I am so sick and tired of these whiny fucking posers bitching all the time about smokers. This is America, the land to be free - and these assholes are going to these lengths??? To what, not make a point but to offend.
Smoking is not even close to what happened that day, and who ever made this pic should feel real ashamed.

Anonymous said...

yeah, Bin Laden is getting a kick back for these guys borrowing his idea. Thats how absurd this ad is. Smoking = Osama Bin Laden? I don't think so. I like the White Lies ads with the body bags etc. Those ads are meaningful. This just plain hurts my heart.

Anonymous said...

I've been a non-smoker for 15 years.
That fucking ad makes me want to go buy a pack and puff like crazy.

And I totally agree with Finley... The soulless bastards responsible for the disrespectful and reprehensible use of 9/11- Twin Towers imagery for advertisement purposes should be ashamed of themselves.

Anonymous said...

That makes me too want to smoke more.

Anonymous said...

just what in the hell does premeditated murder have to do with smoking cessation?

this is in extreme poor taste. shameful.

Anonymous said...

ehh whats the story with all you people this is a genious add and which one of you idiots said "what does smoking have to do with murder"? you absolute idiot so then equally george bush is a murderer, bill clinton, tony blair i could go on. the link between this ad and 9/11 is painfully obvious 9/11 killed people but smoking kills more people. and the sooner we get that message across the better people might not like it but if you are to have a democratic society then i'm afraid that freedom of speech is the hallmark of any democratic society, and what better representation of the a society with the greatest freedom of speech than the twin towers and america. i actually think it is a bit bad but nobody was taking up the other side of the argument and agreement is boring and if everybody's in agreement then there must be something wrong i mean how do we know whats right if we dont know whats wrong. u know????