Saturday, March 22, 2008

Alba...still pissed

Jessica Alba in the grocery store..she's still pissed, still hiding her face and mad at everyone. Her ass is getting gigantic, for real. If someone told her to "haul ass" she'd need a wheelbarrow. I'd feel sorry for her if she hadn't been so obnoxious about her "sexiest woman in the world" looks before this pregnancy. Now, she's probably wondering if she put that plastic bag over her head, would this whole nightmare just go away?


Anonymous said...

She has never struck me as an intelligent person. She may be worried about her future in movies after the baby. Cash Warren is going to have his hands full dealing with this ding-bat.

Anonymous said...

I don't see her and her baby's daddy staying together they had broken up and then they get back together she gets pregnant.

Anonymous said...

I agree, both of you have valid points.

Just wait until lshe starts with the "oh how my lifes changed and im such a deeper grounded woman now", mean while trying to take the sexy yummy mummy to a whole new level.

Anonymous said...

She should be pissed. Her ass is HUGE! HaHa! Thats what Karma does to you! Thats where it bites you. And she hates her ethnicity! But she can't deny it now. Another Karma bite! She's just not nice, you guys.