Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Amy is heading back to rehab, if she lives long enough

Winehouse's family and reps want her back in rehab promptly and they're making plans for it now. Her doctor blabbed that the shit on her face is a result of her "crack" addiction. I don't know jack about crack, I've never even seen it, but, I know people toss the crack word around about any upper addiction that's a runner, including meth, crank, cocaine, etc. And downs like heroin too, and I think Amy falls in the category of addicts who'll run anything to get high. She may not live to see rehab again. At least now we know that no one can catch what she's got unless they have her needle in them. It's always the mega talented, isn't it? You don't see Spencer Pratt killing himself. What a shame.


Anonymous said...

I just can't believe it. Pete Doherty looks like that, but he is a guy, and dirt on a guy is just dirt. But a dirty woman is sad to behold. She should try bathing more often, or just bathing period.

Anonymous said...

Her body is finally just giving up on itself. So sad. And I think you're right, Amy will probably do anything to get high. I really hope she gets better. Hey, if there's hope for Pete Doherty? I wonder if he's still off drugs?


Dirty Disher said...

It's not least not all of it. It's ulcers and infected sores from picking while doping.

Dirty Disher said...

And yeah, Pete's still high, but, not as high as he used to be.

fashion satisfaction said...

she is gross!!!but i really feel sorry for her but anyway
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Anonymous said...

She probably really did get impetigo from those sores, but those sores didn't start out as impetigo! When the sores never cleared up after 2 weeks we all knew there was more to the BS story. Those are scabs cov'd up with foundation. She looks awful & will die soon. No doubt about it. What a shame. her poor parents have nearly killed themselves trying to help her.

Amy said...

That looks like a meth sort of face, to me. A lot of my clients are drug addicts and it's so often meth that causes that picking behavior. I don't know if she'll live long or not. I'm amazed at some of my clients that drink till they shit themselves and then get loaded on crack and get their asses beat by abusive boyfriends and just still live and live and live on.

Anonymous said...

yeah, totally true Amy. Some people just cannot die, no matter what they do to abuse their bodies. It's sooo true! And not fair. Life should be for those that appreciate it!

Amy said...


Anonymous said...

It's about her health, not her looks!
Petey actually was dirty and sometimes beaten up but he wasn't rotting.

Anonymous said...

i really just adore her and i sincerely hope she cleans up so that she can make 100 more winehouse albums! I heart the wino!

purplenumpty said...

amy is a stig n she needs to sort herself out, yeah shes a good singer but come on Amy ditch the guy and get a fitter one and dad needs to get his act

Anonymous said...

My face used to look like that too before I got clean off crack. I use Bare Minerals now to cover up my scars, it works pretty well.
