Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I use this site to bitch about products I finally occurred to me, I should talk about stuff I find amazing as well. Here's what happened. Most of you know I'm a Tarot reader. I had a first time client walk in and I looked at her cards and wooooooo..I told her I knew she invented something great and made a ton of money. I didn't see the exact product but, I knew it had to do with "rocks" somehow. (Hey, if I was Sylvia Brown I'd be living in a mansion and hanging out with Montel, so shudup.) Anyhow, turned out I was right. This lady had invented the original pure mineral makeup stuff, years ago, in her basement. She gave me a sample and I was blown away. I know it's not new to some of you, but, it was to me. I live in the sticks where you can't buy stuff like this. If you haven't tried it. It's just AMAZING! Goes by several brand names, QVC and HSN have versions.
PS..I despise makeup and won't wear anything but lipstick. But, I'll wear this stuff. I'll kill anyone who tries to stop me.


Amy said...

I use the Bare Minerals. Greatest product ever. Besides fruit gummies. Mmmm.

J said...

I just got hooked on mineral make up too. It is a life saver if you have "problem skin" that needs to be covered up but reacts to regular foundations and concealers. You should plug more products you love!

Anonymous said...

WTH was she doing way out in the sticks where you are??? I wanna try this stuff, many lines are coming up with their own mineral makeup as well. I need to find some that I can afford to keep buying. What kind of prices are on this stuff? I am extremely interested and have been curious for a few months. Thanks for the "heads up"

Anonymous said...

Ther are several mineral products out there. I don't know which one to try. Do I go with what Mabeline has or the more expensive at suuply stores?

Amy said...

Bare Minerals foundation runs about 25 bucks but that stuff can last you for months and months. I use it all over my face every single day and it lasts at least 4 months. So it's an expensive initial investment but well worth it.

Anonymous said...

I am with you on that! Ever since Nathan got me some Sheer Cover for Christmas I am addicted! But, it's expensive, so I was going to let y'all in on this ad I have up on my website for ELF cosmetics...all their makeup is $1, and they just got mineral makeup, and you can buy it individually for $5 each or the whole set for $20. I just ordered some last night b/c I love cheap stuff and I'm anxious to see if it's just as good, but I imagine it probably is. Anyway, y'all should check out because they have some really cool stuff for really cheap, and if you love me you'll just go to my website and click on the ad from there, hehe. :-)

Anyway, super-cool that you met that woman! You should have done some kind of spell on her or something so she would give you half of her profits...that would have been sweet. You'd have nicer neighbors, at least!!


Anonymous said...

I was hooked on mineral make-up until I hit menopause and then my skin dried up so bad that I had little tiny blisters where my skin was trying to breathe.

Anonymous said...

OK, I get that it isn't cheap. Thats what I wanted to know. Thanks!!! But my gawd, I buy MAC powder foundation & it's $30, so to me this would be a fair price. I might check out Jebbica's page too & see what the deal is. But I know L'Oreal & Maybelline are coming out with mineral make up too and that can be had at Target w/o the s/h added in. I'm just gonna look around, the menopause thing bothers me too, I might be doing that, not sure yet but I don't want skin issues and look like Wino!

Anonymous said...

OK, I was just at Gravy & Biscuits, couldn't figure out how to leave a comment, it looks too complicated so I came back here. That starter kit looks awesome. I am gonna order 1 for myself & 1 for my daughter. Thanks Jessica! Sorry but your site is waaay overdone for me & I want easy. I love the elf stuff tho & am going to buy it. You are a doll to tell all of us on here about it. It's a deal! My gawd, those 2 brushes alone are worth the $20!!! Everybody needs to go look & order. Carson Kressley has featured it on his new show "How to look good naked" too! Jessica, you didn't tell us that! Ok...I'm out.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I forgot about that part! Is my site really that complicated? Wah. I'm sorry! I did make ELF my top banner of the day today, so if you actually buy something I hope you did click from my site, hehe! :-) I bought the starter mineral makeup kit, the brush kit, some all-over color stick, fake eyelashes for photo shoots, and some lipstick. So, let's hope it's good stuff!

Anonymous said...

Hey, DD, I'm fairly new to your site but addicted. Would you mind posting a little info about yourself for newbies? I know you have a granddaughter and your mom is still alive and you live in a not-so-great apartment building somewhere in . . . Ohio? And you've made intriguing references to a past in which you had enough money to travel all over in search of exotic pets. And now I know you're a Tarot reader, but do you have other work? What kinds of work have you done in the past? Thanks, "Inquiring Mind" (F, 58)

Jess said...

Yeah, more DD!

Anonymous said...

what if you have oily skin? I'm afraid to try that mineral stuff cause i've heard it doesn't work well on oily skin. 41 yr. old who needs to wear foundation, have lupus and have redness on my cheeks. Costco sells that brand bare minerals kit.

Jess said...

I have combination skin, so I was apprehensive, too! I use these little sheets that are blue and they absorb the excess oil from your skin and they're great after you put on your makeup. I got some from Clean & Clear I think from Big Lots but here are some for $1:

Also, if you can find a good spray toner you can just spray it on your face when you're done and it will keep your skin from getting too greasy. Hope that helps!

Anonymous said...

jessica, thanks for the info, i already use those blue sheets, they do work well but they seem to remove parts of the make-up. I guess i will try some of the mineral make-up, all the store brands sell it too now.

Anonymous said...

I use the Bare Minerals and I won't ever use anything else. It is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I'm a HUGE fan of Bare Minerals and have tried other brands, but keep coming back to it (someone recently told me it was because of the brushes - you can use a cheaper mineral foundation, but not cheap brushes).

More importantly, however, is that I didn't know DD did Tarot readings!!! I LOVE that stuff more than I love mineral make up and I can't find anyone in my area who is legit and can do a reading. I wish you were closer!!!

Anonymous said...

I've been using Loreal's mineral foundation for 2 months. It is fantastic for covering up discolorations, like my red burst capillaries from drinking too much in the past. But, I didn't like how using the mineral alone made my under eye down into cheeks look dry, which accentuated wrinkles. I've been using my Loreal line minimizer cream foundation first, ten using the mineral foundation for trouble spots, Loreal visibile difference powder THEN a final light touch over with mineral foundation. It works for now...oh, and I'm 38!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, thanks for the tip Catherine! I'll have to try that! I'm 24 but I'm so insecure about aging! My mom went prematurely white-headed and I've been heading that way since I was like, 17!! I got my first white hair before I got boobs!

Anonymous said...

see what happens when you turn a negative into a postive?

Dirty Disher said...

I do posts about me and my readers on Sundays, I never shut up, so you'll know all about me if you keep reading. Oh, and I'm from the sticks of Iowa, but, I get clients from all over, that's how I met the bare mineral lady.

Dirty Disher said...

Just for the record..Sylvia Brown once said Brad Pitt would never marry Jenifer Aniston. I just hadda say that.

Anonymous said...

i love this stuff i have been using it for a couple years now, here in so cal we have had it that long. anyway all drug stores carry the product and it's not real wallet breaker if you get the real deal your going to spend about 30 bucks if you get a knock off it's about 12 at target. the only down fall you need the brushes but if you buy the kit you are set to go and you can also buy the stuff online and have it shipped from bare minerals. love this stuff and it's great for all types of skin.

Anonymous said...

I use the bare minerals some and I get it off ebay! It's lots cheaper, especially the brushes, even with paying shipping and handling.
