Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Britney news

Britney cried last night, sources say she was upset because Daddy won't let Adnan into the mansion anymore. But, she did get an allowance of $1,500 a week to spend any way she wants so she doesn't have to ask Dad to buy frapps or tampons. Must be rough, huu? She's also going to be on How I Met You Mother..for real. She's playing a secretary and it may be a recurring part. They should hire Adnan too and change the name to How I Met My Paparazzi. Then I'd watch it.


Anonymous said...

I actually think she's doing something smart for once. If she plays a secretary long enough on TV, she may learn enough to actually transition into her next career move. Yeah, yeah, I know, she's too dumb to be a secretary for real. But I'm just SO sick of her dumbass, greasy, slack-jawed face that I can't wait for her to go the hell away.


Anonymous said...

I will try to remember to watch that. I NEVER watch regular channels tho. Only cable & if Family Guy is on, forget about it!!! I'm there!!!

Dirty Disher said...

Now they've changed her part to a dental assitant who falls in love with..Ted. Ted. Ted?

Anonymous said...

She didn't do TOO bad a job when she was on Will & Grace.
