Dina has to whore her children out on reality TV...
Dina about her new reality show. ..She said they had no choice, because "tabloids and reality shows are not going away. If they know who Ali is as a person, it’s better.”
She went on to say, "We're doing it, because it's not going away. We're going to find a way to navigate through the waters of that, tabloidisim and just try to have a career and be successful. There's no protection like the old days."
She went on to say, "We're doing it, because it's not going away. We're going to find a way to navigate through the waters of that, tabloidisim and just try to have a career and be successful. There's no protection like the old days."
See? She had NO choice, NO choice..OMG..I am heartsick for her. My Gawd, what's the world come to when someone as fine and decent (snort) as Dina Lohan (snort) has to (snort) pimp out the products of her loins to protect them??
Like my painting? I was feeling Perez's pain today..channeling it. I think I'll go dye my hair purple now and take Polaroids of my own butt hole. And sob for Dina.
Spare me, that woman is such a user and loser.
she's prettier with the makeover
she is looking...as they say....rode hard and put away wet...blech
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