Blogging...hmm. Where would I be without it? I'd have more time to clean the house, but, no one to read my goofy opinions on everything. No attention..that would suck. The pros are getting fan mail and photos from people and reading comments. Oh, and almost famous people write me sometimes, usually because they're mad. Famous people ignore me..
But their lawyers don't. That's a con. So is chasing down old archived pictures assholes claim belong to them, but, I've seen 'em on a hundred sites. El stinko. So are the constant attempts to whore me out. No, I don't think I want to write for your puke lying publication for ten dollars a post or turn Dirty Disher into a bat boy loving tabloid with your opinions. But, once in a while I get a nice offer. A decent women's magazine just offered to hire me two weeks ago. I won't say the name because they have good lawyers. But, I said no, because they expected me to actually work. I took it as a compliment that they said they like my style (even though it was made clear I'd have to tone down my rants.) I actually said I'd work for them for free if I could do it whenever I wanted and they'd give DD a link with each article I wrote. They didn't write back. Your loss..it's just as well. They probably wouldn't let me say fucktard and cocksucker anyhow.
I love blogging. Even when blogger is so slow it's like pouring molasses over a brain damaged sloth. I'd miss you guys if I wasn't on here.
Oh, you'd better check the second page today. I was on a roll.
You off your meds?
we love you dd!!
I'm off my meds. But, I still love you all.
Crabbie and DD-have you ever thought of joining forces and having a combined blog? Obviously keep your own, but it would be cool if you took a topic every week and each voiced your opinions on it. I know you don't always agree, but you're both funny as hell. It'd be good times!
Casey J.
I hope you reconsider the magazine offer so you and your family can move away from the meat brothers and the closet bra enthusiasts.
Who is the chick with diarrhea in the background?
We <3 you DD! Good for you for not settling for something that doesn't suit your style.
Btw, that DD and Crabbie collaboration actually sounds cool. It would probably be hysterical.
Boston Jess
I'm always off my meds. I keep forgetting to blog because I'm so distracted. I'll be back on in it tomorrow. Or maybe it's a conspiracy theory in the making. Hell.. I'm always confused.
I know if you weren't on, I'd miss the hell out of you! You make my day, every single day. I only found you a few months ago (thanks to a certain Crabby dude), but I check your site a few times a day and vent my spleen here occasionally. I've said it before and I'll say it again: you have brightened up this Canadian's cold, snowy winter. So thank you, thank you, thank you!
I love to come here everyday DD and get me some good celeb. gossip and a good rant!
I love you and your blogging! Don't even think about cleaning house! In fact, it's your fault I'm into this celebrity blogging mess and getting people at CosmoGIRL fired now anyhow!
Thanks to all of you. Crabbie, shall we join forces? (we have talked about that before.)Maybe...may..be.
i read some researh this week that found bloggers to be happier than most (it probably ties in with other research - pre-internet - which found that people were able to 'shrink' their problems by writing about them in a journal). anyway, bloggers felt more connected to a community and all had satisfying relationships and social lives both in and outside the internet. so there.... blog and stay healthy.
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