Heather Mills has been booked to be a judge in The Miss USA Pageant hosted by Donnie and Marie. I told you this whore would never go away. What are the requirements for Miss USA now? Hobbling while looking dour? Pouring water on people? Prostitution? Smelling like rotted fish?
Paul perhaps could have saved himself some grief had he done some investigating on Heather before marrying her. It's not as if she had a clean past. Surely he has plenty of ideas where to put that prosthetic leg now.
she's not even from the U.S.A. is she? She's nasty looking and she's gonna say what makes a woman Miss U.S.A.? I don't feel sorry for Paul at all. He was warned by his own children about this woman & he got what they expected him to get. I'm sure they are mad as hell and thinking "Toldja so"!!!
EEEWWW!!! Where'd she park her broom????
True story: My husband has a good friend that has a GF & her name is "Satin", for realz!!! My husband always calls her Satan. Even when she's around, she just thinks he's mispronouncing her name. Too funny. My uncle was once married to a red haired chick named "Delight" and that no sh**! WTH? How'd I get on this subject???
"Paul perhaps could have saved himself some grief had he done some investigating on Heather before marrying her."
No shit, Sherlock. Not only could he have saved himself "grief"... he could have saved the $60 mil or whatever it was. His financial advisors apparently ~pleaded~ with him to insist upon a pre-nup, but he wouldn't hear of it. Obviously it was the same backwards thinking that fucked him over re: her shady past.
The entire WORLD smelled her stench years ago and saw this coming--- but "Sir Paul" {rolls eyes} was so taken-in by her soapbox rallying "No More Landmines".... A woman like that could *never* be a gold-digger, right?
And now it's revealed that she was shtupping some dude and bragging that old Moon Face was courting her with roses, love songs 'n stump rubs.
Hope it was worth it, Paul. As if the memory weren't painful enough, he's not even truly rid of her. Not sure of the little girl's age, but I'd say he's tied to ol' Stumpy-McGinnis for another 15 years at least.
Either way, he deserves it. On pure principle. For being stOOpid enough to believe that twat loved him for real.
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