Tuesday, March 4, 2008

White at the pool

Is Kate Hudson knocked up or not? I really don't care much since we already know she makes good looking babies who don't need haircuts. But, I'm sick of everyone calling her the whitest woman in the world and making tan jokes. If Oprah can convince the world you shouldn't be ashamed of being black, why should Kate (or me) be ashamed of being white? I don't get that.


Anonymous said...

She's not pregnant, and protecting your skin is key in looking younger, She is fine.

Anonymous said...

She is so not pregnant. Other pics of her in this swimsuit show a very flat tummy. She looks great & she is fair skinned, whats the big deal? It's her heavy smoking that will age her face 1st anyways, not the sun.

Anonymous said...

Lets see...
Skin cacer

Anonymous said...

I never understood and still don't understand, why white people tan? You are "white" people, tanning looks stuffy-hot,uncomfortable and possibly dangerous. The fake ones look fake, to black people you still look white, what gives? I see movies like Elizabeth and wonder why you got away from that. Orange skin is ugly, black roots & yellow hair is ugly, who did this to you and why do you allow it to continue? Info please....