Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Abigail Breslin has her own sense of fashion

I don't know if Lil Miss Sunshine is cute anymore or not, it's an awkward age. She's a whole lot cuter than overacted sexy dressin' Miley Cyrus who's on my last nerve lately. I've never seen sock monkey shoes, and I would so wear them. She can keep the gloves. Oh, Hell, I'd probably wear them too. I am just that weird.


Barb said...

No. She's not cute anymore.

And, too much Milley, also.

Anonymous said...

I think she's still cute. I like her. No Milley at all.

Anonymous said...

She's fine. Cripes.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Dishey!

Bid now and avoid the rush!


Anonymous said...

Yeah...those aren't shoes, they're SLIPPERS. Which she is wearing in PUBLIC. "See, look at me, look at how cute and funky and unique I am! I'm a little snowflake--look at meeeeeeeeeeeee!"