Thursday, April 17, 2008

And the headlines scream...

BRITNEY WORKING OUT! BRITNEY GETS HER BODY BACK! Dude, she looks exactly the same..are you fucking blind? Now, she says she has "explosive" tapes of herself ranting secrets about Timberlake and X-tina and Federline, who are all said to be terrified of the contents of these tapes. Well, Fucking A!..bring it on, I want to see them! I'm not even proud of how much I want to see them.


Anonymous said...

Her "fake" boobs sure have sagged. Note: nipples pointing downwards..

lol sorry

Anonymous said...

I definitely wish I could go the gym twice in two days and get my body back! Those must be some amazing workouts - I need to move to LA to get in on this.....*sigh*

Anonymous said...

She has an average body, but at least she's trying. And her boobs are real, thats why they are so saggy, she had 2 babies in less than 2 years, yours would be droopy too! Besides she hasn't got big boobs anyway! Thats stupid. Just when she's fat. Girls def got some junk in her trunk.

Anonymous said...

Not all boobs are saggy after kids. "Read a fuckin book" roflmao

Anonymous said...

I dont think her boobs are all that saggy to be honest, dont see the nipples pointing down either about where they should be. lol @ us all looking at boob height and nipple direction.

If anything shes a bit thicker through the midrift, but shes had kids, gained and lost and gained again, we cant compair her 16 year old teenaged body to today and expect her or anyone to look as they did when they were no more then a kid themselves.

Anonymous said...

She's just nasty. Eowwwww