Thursday, April 17, 2008

Jude Law kind of ...bald

Now that Jude Law is balding, doesn't he look like Calum Best? And Lindsay Lohan has licked them both which means...if The Blow can lift her head out of Samantha Ronson's crotch long enough to blow you, then you are still on the A list even if you're bald. Right?


Anonymous said...

He's always been balding, he just hid it with a different hairstyle. Too bad, thats a shame. He's too young to be so bald. No nanny will want him now! Well, thats probably a big lie!

Anonymous said...

He's neither that young, nor that bald. Many people bald completely much sooner.

Anonymous said...

Big deal about his hair, at the end of the day, he's still Jude freakin' Law, and you're not. Deal with it.