Thursday, April 17, 2008

How annoyed is Tommy Girl right now?

Katie's been offered a Broadway gig, if she takes it there will be trouble at the cult compound. Now, this! Poor Tom and Katie will have to make room in their schedules to go on talk shows and say how deliriously happy they are again. Ugggggggg. I can only hope for more thought bubbles from Suri. "Don't cry, Mommy!" Excuse me now, while I have a good cry.


Illya Allen said...

Quick! Somebody call Tony Revolta for a Scintervention!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be surprised if this is true, really. They haven't been making any public appearances lately. When they do Katie seems very forced & unhappy. Suri is seen hardly at all anymore, Posh has dumped Katie, probably couldn't deal with all her cult/Tommy drama. I mean for real, something is up people.

Anonymous said...

Broadway? So, she can sing too now? This is ridic. But anything to get away from Tommy I guess. Sh** he'll be up on the stage with her, Suri next to him in chains!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but she knew what she was getting herself into! Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE knows he is gay........and crazy!Those two things have nothing to do with each other, but I still wouldn't marry a guy that I knew for a fact was either one!

Anonymous said...

Oh well. I believe Katie has a strong family that she can turn to if she needs to escape Vicarious Filis Xenu. This guy is so far gone in his own fantasy. He resembles the remarks about Scientology that Jason Beghe made when he left the cult. Maye he can make a you tube spot instructing people how to escape.