Thursday, April 17, 2008

Don't ask Michelle Rodriguez of she's a lesbian

“I don’t answer those questions. I just keep it to myself and it’s nobody’s business.
“If I wanna f**k a girl, a boy, a dog, that’s my business. That’s why there’s bathroom doors.”
“What the majority of [people] want to know is what I’m doing with my vagina, and I think that that’s sick.
“I picture them turning into pigs, slime coming out the side of their mouth, and I picture them jerking off,”
“What do you care who I’m dating? I can tell when somebody just wants to know about sex. And it makes me sick.”
Uhhhh, I never cared, I just ignored I'm pretty sure I wouldn't let her take my dog to the bathroom.


Illya Allen said...

DD said, "...I'm pretty sure I wouldn't let her take my dog to the bathroom."
That's a good one!

Anonymous said...

She "pictures" them jerking off? EW! WHY???????

Anonymous said...

She's a carpet muncher.

Anonymous said...

....a linoleum licker.... in case there's no carpet...

Anonymous said...

Hillary Swank teeth.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

so she is a lesbian - who cares?

too ugly for men.

too good looking for lezbots.

Nobody cares and that is a fact.

Who is that person anyway?

Anonymous said...

I guess I am not included in the majority of the people because I have absolutely no desire to know what she is doing with her vagina.