Friday, April 4, 2008

Anne Hathaway's boyfriend accidentally thought he was rich

Raffaelo Follieri wrote a check for $250,000 when he didn't even have anything close to that in the bank. He was arrested. It could happen to anyone. The other day I forgot I wasn't rich and bought a 40 foot yacht. I had to return it the next day and I'm still mad. My yachting clothes were on sale. No return on sale items. Life is such a bitch sometimes.


Anonymous said...

It was 250,000 italian Lira!! before the Euro!! And I posdated the check two years so I could transfer funds from other accounts and my deal in Nigeria!. Ann, can you cover the check? I feel like such a dog for leaving my checkbook in my private airplane.

Anonymous said...

Hope she doesn't bail his stupid ass out. Hopefully her accountants won't allow that to happen. Run Anne dear, Run FAST!

Anonymous said...

Don't be sad, Dish. I had a 45' yacht once and believe me-- it's not all champagne wishes and caviar dreams.
Better to find a nice guy who already *owns* one... You get all the advantages without the headaches!

As the saying goes; "The two greatest days of boat ownership are the day you buy it, and the day you SELL it."

So true.

Dirty Disher said...

I'm trying so hard not to make a captain going down with the ship joke.