Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bill Maher on Religious Cults, The Pope & Catholic Church

Bill hasn't pissed anyone off for a long time. He's back.


Anonymous said...

What a fucktard he is. Wish he would "accidently" get run over by a bus.

Anonymous said...

Wish the people molesting children would "accidentally" get turn over by buses.

Anonymous said...

hes freakin right! Why do people automaticly trust preists when theres such a history of sex abuse with them?

I agree with anon 2:29

Anonymous said...

I can't put my finger on it-- but there's something patently creepy and unsettling about Pope Benedict. (It's in the eyes...)

Anonymous said...

Benedict was a Nazi?

Maybe some people should get their facts straight.

And maybe some people should follow the news - the Pope harshly critized the american catholic bishops for the child molesting.

But yes, he is creepy. He was the chief inquisitor. Guys like him are always creepy.

Anonymous said...

He is also very bright scholar. His position strictly dictated theology and Catholic doctrine taught worldwide.
I used to think he was creepy looking as well, but he is filling the shoes of a man who was as charismatic as they come. The sex abuse scandal was terrible, and Cardinal Law and others did not get their just deserved, but look at NAMBLA and Congress. Let them be your paradigm of hope, right?.

Anonymous said...

He WAS a nazi @ anon 9:49, it was one of the first things to hit the news when it was known that he was up for the position. He was young yes, but the point is, he was. There were also interviews with his brother and former co workers etc.

Hes critizied the childabuse yes, but offered nothing more then condolences and we will look into it further. Spare me, at the very least they should excommunicate all preists with sexual misconduct and abuse charges and aligations, past and present, period.

Anonymous said...

anon 8:46

NO! He was NOT a nazi.

Dammit, get your facts straight!

Yes, he was in the 'Hitlerjugend' but that was MANDATORY for all youth. He didn't had a choice - and being a member did not made someone a Nazi.

Do you know nothing about history?

And the priests: it is foremost the local bishops&cardinals job to deal with them. And they were critized a lot by Benedict, that they did not act.

Btw, all this stuff happened when Johannes Paul2 was pope. And it was made public, when JP2 was pope. So if someone is to be critized it is JP2 who did NOTHING but ignored the mess.

Anonymous said...

Look benedict served in the nazi armed forces, I am not making the assumption or call that he supported the twisted mindset of the day, o r even enjoyed it in that service. The point is, he served, he wore the nazi uniform.

Just as tens of thousands serve todays jackass, bush, in the american armed services, it doesnt mean they all support him and his policies, but they are still apart of the services and wear the uniform.

I think ALL of the popes in question are guilty of dismissing & hidding the facts of the hundreds and hundreds of sexual abuse cases with preists. Its been a global issue that has been left undealt with internally at the root of the problem.

No one truly motivated from a rightious place, wanting to represent and serve God to the best of their abilities would continue to allow these mentally twisted men, sexual predators, to retain their roles as priests and maintain access to the vunerable year after year.

I dont care who you are, where your from or what religion you lay claim to, its sick and deserves to be punished to the full extent the law allows.

Anonymous said...


he was a 'Flak Helfer'.

That does not make him Nazi. All youth who were too young or not be able to serve as soldiers were made Flak Helfers at the end of the war.

That says NOTHING about his political views.

In fact, because he was in a 'Seminar' before that, he was seen as political 'tainted' and maybe dangerous. Certainly not a Nazi.

Btw, you are american, right?

So you must have shot at least two relatives, own three guns, a SUV and lynched one black man.

Anonymous said...

Cant change the facts that he wore the uniform, I didnt say he supported hitlers hanious regin. Good lord your like a dog with a bone lol

"benedict served in the nazi armed forces, I am not making the assumption or call that he supported the twisted mindset of the day, o r even enjoyed it in that service. The point is, he served, he wore the nazi uniform."

I get your sarcastic point @ I must be an american speel. Neither of you seem to be able to seperate 2 statements, the simple FACT he wore the uniform & that not meaning or assuming he supported hitler. I was quite clear saying i was not saying or assuming he did.

Im not american but if becomming one means i automaticly get an suv and a get out of jail free card to shoot a couple relatives, sign me up lol

Anonymous said...

Is the pope Catholic? Lighten up people. WE can't change the facts! They are molesters and Nazis...Does anybody else remember Father Guedo Sarduchi on SNL and his hilarious "Find The Pope In The Pizza" skit? I loved that sh**!! Now that was some funny stuff. Laugh!!! You guys are bringin' me down!

Anonymous said...


Disher's blog ain't the place for heavy discussion.