Monday, April 14, 2008

Bobble head mania

Kendra Wilkinson stops popping her zits long enough to show off her Kendra bobble head doll which can be purchased at the Playboy store. I'm just going to turn this site into the Kendra Wilkinson blog because I'm obviously obsessed with this idiot. I can't figure out how you can be a sex symbol if you were born with no functioning brain. Fuck it, here I sit, staring at this twat, waiting for her to say something profoundly meaningful, like "I dunno whut the Universe is, but, I just flashed it! UH UH UH UH UH UH !"


Anonymous said...

I guess she doesn't go in for the manicured look too much! Yikes!!!

Anonymous said...

sex symbol / no functioning brain

you just don't understand how the world works do you?
You just described the universal standard for a sex symbol, and why you should probably never be one.

Or perhaps you should after all.

Anonymous said...

Nice teeth, though.

Anonymous said...

Just three little words - I Hate Her.
Thank you, goodnight!