Monday, April 14, 2008

Madonna and Justin Timberlake - 4 Minutes (Full Video)

If you're curious, you'd better watch it now because it keeps getting taken off You Tube. I watched it..I am not impressed. These are two of the most powerful music stars we have? Pfffft.


Anonymous said...

Dont care for it.

Anonymous said...

Madonna is OV-A!!! I didn't even watch it. She's my age. WTH is she doing still trying to be the queen of pop? Dayum! Time to be an adult Madonna. So what she's got the arms of a man 1/2 her age, she still looks her age regardless.

Anonymous said...

Words cannot describe. No, wait, they can: atrocious, unlistenable, crappy hip hop. She used to be good, but she's clearly lost her mind. Tick tock, tick toc, time's up and you're career's over, Madonna.

As for Junior, his thin, little voice is higher than hers.

Remember when music was still good? Sigh...


cupcake said...


Anonymous said...

I still love Madonna! and J.T is another favorite of mine too! Asis Timbaland, woo-hoo!

Anonymous said...

wow. Just wow. Its a long way down from 'Frozen' and Madonna did it. Ok, Frozen was stolen, but this is crap concentrate in tin cans.